President's Message

With apologies for not hosting last month's general meeting because of a COVID infection, I'm ever so grateful for the vaccine researchers, investors, manufacturers, distributors, and community leaders who gave us such formidable protection against this potentially lethal disease!
There is no shortage of advice or opinion on how to react to this ongoing threat. As a club we try to find middle ground by, currently, not requiring but encouraging our members to take precautionary measures when meeting up. We also support our activity leaders in whatever makes them comfortable to host a dinner, lead a hike, set up card tables, or whatever wonderful thing they are planning for us!
Hopefully we'll see you at our club's Holiday Luncheon on December 7, true to our PROBUS motto of Get Connected - Stay Connected!
Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer
At our most recent membership meetings, we have been pleased to welcome many of our Waitlist applicants. It was also wonderful being able to have guests as well—it has been too long!
Membership Renewals: On December 1, we begin our membership renewal process for 2023. The renewal fee is back to what it was pre-Covid at $30 per member. Once we begin the renewal drive, you will receive a personalized email with a link for on-line payment of dues. As in the past, assistance is available, if needed. Contact us at
50-50 Draw
Hank & Elaine Bouwman

We had our monthly 50/50 draw again at our October 25 monthly speaker meeting. The two winning tickets were held by Nancy Dixon and Terry Kellar for $32.00 each.
50/50 tickets are on sale at the beginning of each monthly meeting and during the first break.
Membership Meeting - November 22 @ 1:00 PM
Date: Tuesday November 22, 2022
Doors open: 1:00 PM
Meeting begins: 1:30 PM
Speaker: Sandra Hong, Alzheimer Society Grey-Bruce
Topic: Alzheimers - Prevention and Early Detection

Sandra Hong is the Public Education Coordinator for the Alzheimer Society of Grey Bruce. She is a Registered Practical Nurse, a certified Master Coach Trainer for Gentle Persuasive Approaches in Dementia Care, a Positive Approach to Care Certified Independent trainer and U-FIRST! Facilitator. Her professional experience has grown from her work in hospital, community, and Long Term Care.
For the past 11-13 years, her role has been to educate health care professionals, and care partners, as well as community members on best practices in dementia care. Through the programs offered by the Alzheimer Society of Grey Bruce, Sandra is able to help individuals with a diagnosis of dementia in understanding their diagnosis, and to focus on their abilities and not their deficits.
Sandra helps community members better understand dementia, by providing them with knowledge and understanding of how to interact with someone who lives with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia, reducing the stigma, and providing an environment where people with dementia and care partners are included, supported, and can live well. She is currently working in collaboration with Age Friendly Communities to include dementia friendly initiatives, ensuring that people living with dementia and their care partners are included and supported in day-to-day life.
Sandra lives an active, healthy lifestyle, is a cycling, and Nordic ski enthusiast and is quick to promote such a lifestyle to others.
Questions? Please contact:
Brenda Rudolf or Kirby Philp (Speaker info)
Cary Eagleson or Martin Buscher (Technical Zoom info)
Social Events
Don Collins-Williams, Stella Zahradnik
Although we weren't able to hold our Royal Winter Fair trip, we still have plenty going on. Don't miss out on the Grey Roots Museum Tour, or the Holiday Luncheon. We will also need to act quickly to secure tickets for our Stratford Theatre event in June next year. if you are at all interested in attending next year, please take our short 2023 Stratford Festival - Theatre Survey to choose which theatre production most interests you. You are not making any commitment to attend by voting!
Grey Roots Museum Tour: Wednesday, November 16
Leonardo da Vinci: Machines in Motion - SOLD OUT
It looks like our visit to the Grey Roots Museum—Leonardo da Vinci: Machines in Motion Exhibit is already sold out!
But please JOIN WAITLIST—if we get enough interest we will arrange another tour early in the new year! You won't want to miss out on this fascinating hands-on experience that explores science, art, and history! Check your emails for the invitation sent on October 31 and Join the Waitlist to have priority registration for the next tour!
Holiday Luncheon: Wednesday, December 7
Please join our Beaver Valley PROBUS Club Holiday Luncheon for the first time in 3 years! It will be held at the Alpine Ski Club and tickets are $40 per member (paid online). Check your emails for the invitation sent on October 28 to register.
Activity Groups Update
Colleen Wilson-Dick
Activities such as water sports, hiking and cycling have officially ended their season, although some smaller groups are meeting to go for a ride or a hike. I hope you take the opportunity to continue to stay active outdoors! If you have a suggestion for an outing, why not post it on “Meet ups” at the bottom of the activities page on the website. That is a great way to find other members to join in an impromptu ride, or hike. As we move into December and January, we will begin our winter activities, while continuing with dining groups, games, computers, etc. Save the date for the in-person Activity Fair on March 28. Details to follow in 2023.

Computer Group
Martin Buscher

Unfortunately we had to cancel October's meeting due to Covid, but will be holding our meeting on Monday, November 21, with a Google Drive/Docs/Sheets workshop. Bring your own laptop and questions to this one!
Euchre 1
Elaine & Hank Bouwman

We’re back playing in person with 8 members participating at Sharon Clayfield and Bill Rogers house on Tuesday October 11 for an enjoyable evening of cards and snacks. Ken Kelley went home with bragging rights for the evening after coming out on top following 7 rounds. Save the dates:
- Tuesday November 8 – Lynn Scotford & George Czerwinski
- Tuesday December 13 – Jean & Ken Kelley
- Tuesday January 10 – Beth & John White
Euchre 2
Allan Smith
We have resumed in-house hosting for the members in Euchre Group 2, who meet the last Wednesday of the month. At the moment we have 13 players in that Group, a few more have just joined as of last week. We play at 7 pm, with a $2.00 fee to help with the cost of the goodies. We also have 12 players that will continue to play online until we feel confident that Covid is manageable. The Trickster “Club“ can be expanded, with no limit on the number of players. We play online on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm.
Casual Dining With Friends
Sallie Kedwell, Shellie Smith, Eileen Scott

Those of us who participated on October 27 enjoyed one of three lovely group get-togethers. Unfortunately some Covid issues decreased our numbers—but hoping that will soon be behind us. We’re looking forward to our usual dinner meet-ups on November 24 and if you haven’t been able to host as yet, perhaps the 24th will be your night. Put December 15 on your calendar—we’re planning on a cocktail party format with participants bringing along savoury or sweet goodies to share.
Dining Around Town
Hank Bouwman

Thirty-four of our members participated in our October 13 and 20 dinner at The Dam Pub in Meaford with a number of members on our Waitlist. Dining Around Town has traditionally held dinners in the past, however last winter we tried luncheons for the first time and members seemed to really enjoy them. We are now ready to try a mid-morning 10 AM Brunch at Sheardown’s Wine Bar in Meaford on Wednesday November 23. Invitations will be sent out on November 7 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town.
Save the dates:
- Wednesday, November 23: Brunch at 10 am at Sheardown’s Wine Bar in Meaford
- Wednesday January 18: Luncheon at 12 noon at Sterling’s Restaurant in Thornbury
Bill McMurrary
Thirteen members of the R.O.M.E.O. (Retired Old Men Eating Out) group met at the Leeky Canoe on October 12 for good food and good company! Our next get-together will be the second Wednesday in November (November 9) at The Corner Cafe in Thornbury.
Vicki Kellar, Ilene Rushefsky Charland

Our Hiking Group finished the season with an energetic 9.7 km hike around the base of Blue Mountain and the golf course area. The weather more than cooperated with a high of 23 degrees on an amazingly sunny day at the end of October. The 16 participants experienced new streets & trails, enjoyed the autumn colours and end-of-season coffees and snacks on Vicki & Terry’s front deck.
This has been an active hiking year with many forest trails, waterfalls, rivers and crevice cave hikes. We would like to thank the various hike leaders including Sandy, Christine, Maureen, Dennis, Ilene, Cathy and Vicki for taking us on these varied adventures, several of which ended with a tasty lunch or snack. A highlight of the season was Robert Burcher’s guided hike along the Trout Hollow, Bighead River. His knowledge of John Muir and the early area development was intriguing. A special thanks to our long term co-ordinator Cynthia Sampson for all her organizing talents. Cynthia is retiring from that role, but we look forward to her joining us on future hikes. To join us next year simply sign up in the spring at the Activity Fair to receive our hike details. Be sure to check out the photos on our Hiking Slideshow. Have a Wonderful Winter!
Nordic Pole Walking
Nancy Hart

Spring, summer and fall of 2022 have been great for pole walking. Lots of warm sunny days. We only had to cancel 2 or 3 times due to bad weather. Hopefully November weather will allow us a few more walks before the cold temperatures arrive. During the winter nordic poles (poles 4 life) can be used for snowshoeing by removing the rubber booties and adding snow baskets which can be purchased at PharmaSave in Thornbury. Pole walking is a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors and keep fit! Be sure to check out the Nordic Pole Walking photos...
Nancy Dixon

Bogged down at Bognor! Our intrepid group of nine set out on Friday to walk the boardwalk and enjoy the lovely fall colours, as my hairdresser told me it was a very easy flat walk on the Bognor Marsh boardwalk. Now l should have been alerted to those two words "easy" and "marsh". I loved the walk until l had to cross the frost covered, floating bridge (over a large body of water) which moved from side to side on every step l took while my Ramblers were bouncing across. Thanks to my best pal Heather l made it. We trudged on through the marsh leaving our footprints in the wet trail. We were finally revived by the noise of traffic and ended our adventure via a relaxing walk along the road to our cars with very muddy boots. In spite of my trials on the trail, it was an amazing experience thanks also to our two expert hikers, Vicki and Maureen, leading us and my Ramblers who always seem to make our walks the best. On to our next Ramble or Adventure. The latest photos are also posted on the Ramblers Slideshow!
Ski Legends
Louise Armstrong

The Ski Legends committee has been busy organizing events for the upcoming season. Skiis and Biikes has reinstated a “ special relationship” with Ski Legends members. It is the responsibility of every member to be respectful to the staff at Skiis and Biikes so we do not jeopardize this relationship. Starting November 1 they will offer members a 15% discount on white tag items (clothing, helmets, goggles, mitts, etc.) but not skis or boots as their inventory is still compromised by supply chain issues.
The Wine and Cheese, for Legends members only, is December 9 from 7 to 9 PM. Ski days at the private clubs have been confirmed. Please go to the Ski Legends Website for dates to ski at the private clubs. The very popular activity of Skiing Together at Blue Mountain will be back every Tuesday and Wednesday, meeting at the the Silver Bullet chair by 9:30 AM.
There are ski trips to Sun Peaks BC and Snow Mass/Aspen in 2023. More detailed information is available on the Ski Legends website, including the trip leader who you would contact to ask if there is still space to go to these wonderful ski destinations. As you must be a member of Ski Legends to participate in any of these events or trips, the membership application is available on the website.
Lastly and most importantly, I am stepping down from my role as the Beaver Valley PROBUS Ski Legends representative. It has been fun working with the great people on the Ski Legends organizing committee. I hope someone will step up to take over as of January 2023. Please contact me for further information.
Gloria Thompson

People are showing great interest for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland trip and I think we will have our numbers. Trip dates are Saturday, May 13, 2023 returning Sunday, May 28, 2023. We don't have a price yet, but should very soon. If you are interested in the trip, please contact me with any questions.
Humour Corner
Shared by Vicki Kellar
Q: How do you mend a broken pumpkin?
A: With a pumpkin patch!
Irish Flu Shots
Shared by Hank Bouwman 
Nominating Committee
Caroline Bacher, Ilene Rushefsky-Charland, Elsbeth Wright
The Beaver Valley PROBUS Club needs you! As you know PROBUS Clubs are run by volunteers. PROBUS Clubs can be energetic, interesting and fun and I think that our Club is a great example of that. Our Club has maintained the diverse, active small groups and informative meetings through the devotion of our many volunteers. Our members of the Management Committee have spent more than their share of terms of service, especially during two years of COVID restrictions when many of us stayed for an extra term. Now it is time for some of us to take a break and allow others to step into the roles with new ideas and motivation to keep our Club as vibrant and interesting as it always has been.
There are many of you out there who have skills to share. The tasks are not onerous so please consider volunteering for your Club! You will meet new people with similar interests and enjoy the experience too! The positions that we need to fill next year are as follows;
Training for these positions will be available. Please click on the role for a link to the job description, or email or phone one of the above members of the Nominating Committee for more information.
The Master Gardener’s Corner

Our Master Gardener's Corner by
John Hethrington, Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario, has moved online. Look for the Gardening Tips on our web
Homepage (scroll down on the right-hand side) or
click here to see what you need to be doing in your garden in November.
Support Group
Lucie Desjardins, Maureen Lalonde, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

Did you hear of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them.
The Last Word
The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us...
Bill Watterson
Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. |