Beaver Valley Probus Club

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  • November 01, 2022 8:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message

    President's Message

    With apologies for not hosting last month's general meeting because of a COVID infection, I'm ever so grateful for the vaccine researchers, investors, manufacturers, distributors, and community leaders who gave us such formidable protection against this potentially lethal disease!

    There is no shortage of advice or opinion on how to react to this ongoing threat. As a club we try to find middle ground by, currently, not requiring but encouraging our members to take precautionary measures when meeting up. We also support our activity leaders in whatever makes them comfortable to host a dinner, lead a hike, set up card tables, or whatever wonderful thing they are planning for us!

    Hopefully we'll see you at our club's Holiday Luncheon on December 7, true to our PROBUS motto of Get Connected - Stay Connected!


    Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer

    At our most recent membership meetings, we have been pleased to welcome many of our Waitlist applicants. It was also wonderful being able to have guests as well—it has been too long!

    Membership Renewals: On December 1, we begin our membership renewal process for 2023. The renewal fee is back to what it was pre-Covid at $30 per member. Once we begin the renewal drive, you will receive a personalized email with a link for on-line payment of dues. As in the past, assistance is available, if needed. Contact us at

    50-50 Draw 

    Hank & Elaine Bouwman

    We had our monthly 50/50 draw again at our October 25 monthly speaker meeting.  The two winning tickets were held by Nancy Dixon and Terry Kellar for $32.00 each.

    50/50 tickets are on sale at the beginning of each monthly meeting and during the first break. 

    Membership Meeting - November 22 @ 1:00 PM

    Date: Tuesday November 22, 2022
    Doors open: 1:00 PM
    Meeting begins: 1:30 PM

    Speaker: Sandra Hong, Alzheimer Society Grey-Bruce
    Topic: Alzheimers - Prevention and Early Detection

    Sandra Hong is the Public Education Coordinator for the Alzheimer Society of Grey Bruce. She is a Registered Practical Nurse, a certified Master Coach Trainer for Gentle Persuasive Approaches in Dementia Care, a Positive Approach to Care Certified Independent trainer and U-FIRST! Facilitator. Her professional experience has grown from her work in hospital, community, and Long Term Care.

    For the past 11-13 years, her role has been to educate health care professionals, and care partners, as well as community members on best practices in dementia care.  Through the programs offered by the Alzheimer Society of Grey Bruce, Sandra is able to help individuals with a diagnosis of dementia in understanding their diagnosis, and to focus on their abilities and not their deficits.

    Sandra helps community members better understand dementia, by providing them with knowledge and understanding of how to interact with someone who lives with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia, reducing the stigma, and providing an environment where people with dementia and care partners are included, supported, and can live well.  She is currently working in collaboration with Age Friendly Communities to include dementia friendly initiatives, ensuring that people living with dementia and their care partners are included and supported in day-to-day life.

    Sandra lives an active, healthy lifestyle, is a cycling, and Nordic ski enthusiast and is quick to promote such a lifestyle to others.

    Questions? Please contact:
    Brenda Rudolf or Kirby Philp (Speaker info)
    Cary Eagleson or Martin Buscher (Technical Zoom info)

    Social Events

    Don Collins-Williams, Stella Zahradnik

    Although we weren't able to hold our Royal Winter Fair trip, we still have plenty going on. Don't miss out on the Grey Roots Museum Tour, or the Holiday Luncheon. We will also need to act quickly to secure tickets for our Stratford Theatre event in June next year. if you are at all interested in attending next year, please take our short 2023 Stratford Festival - Theatre Survey to choose which theatre production most interests you. You are not making any commitment to attend by voting!

    Grey Roots Museum Tour: Wednesday, November 16
    Leonardo da Vinci: Machines in Motion - SOLD OUT

    It looks like our visit to the Grey Roots Museum—Leonardo da Vinci: Machines in Motion Exhibit is already sold out!
    But please JOIN WAITLIST—if we get enough interest we will arrange another tour early in the new year!  You won't want to miss out on this fascinating hands-on experience that explores science, art, and history! Check your emails for the invitation sent on October 31 and  Join the Waitlist to have priority registration for the next tour!

    Holiday Luncheon: Wednesday, December 7

    Please join our Beaver Valley PROBUS Club Holiday Luncheon for the first time in 3 years!  It will be held at the Alpine Ski Club and tickets are $40 per member (paid online). Check your emails for the invitation sent on October 28 to register.

    Activity Groups Update

    Colleen Wilson-Dick

    Activities such as water sports, hiking and cycling have officially ended their season, although some smaller groups are meeting to go for a ride or a hike. I hope you take the opportunity to continue to stay active outdoors! If you have a suggestion for an outing, why not post it on “Meet ups” at the bottom of the activities page on the website. That is a great way to find other members to join in an impromptu ride, or hike. As we move into December and January, we will begin our winter activities, while continuing with dining groups, games, computers, etc. Save the date for the in-person Activity Fair on March 28. Details to follow in 2023.


    Computer Group

    Martin Buscher

    Computer Group

    Unfortunately we had to cancel October's meeting due to Covid, but will be holding our meeting on Monday, November 21, with a Google Drive/Docs/Sheets workshop. Bring your own laptop and questions to this one!

    Euchre 1

    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    We’re back playing in person with 8 members participating at Sharon Clayfield and Bill Rogers house on Tuesday October 11 for an enjoyable evening of cards and snacks. Ken Kelley went home with bragging rights for the evening after coming out on top following 7 rounds. Save the dates:

    • Tuesday November 8 – Lynn Scotford & George Czerwinski 
    • Tuesday December 13 – Jean & Ken Kelley 
    • Tuesday January 10 – Beth & John White

    Euchre 2
    Allan Smith

    We have resumed in-house hosting for the members in Euchre Group 2, who meet the last Wednesday of the month. At the moment we have 13 players in that Group, a few more have just joined as of last week. We play at 7 pm, with a $2.00 fee to help with the cost of the goodies. We also have 12 players that will continue to play online until we feel confident that Covid is manageable. The Trickster “Club“ can be expanded, with no limit on the number of players. We play online on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm.

    Casual Dining With Friends

    Sallie Kedwell, Shellie Smith, Eileen Scott

    Those of us who participated on October 27 enjoyed one of three lovely group get-togethers. Unfortunately some Covid issues decreased our numbers—but hoping that will soon be behind us. We’re looking forward to our usual dinner meet-ups on November 24 and if you haven’t been able to host as yet, perhaps the 24th will be your night. Put December 15 on your calendar—we’re planning on a cocktail party format with participants bringing along savoury or sweet goodies to share.

    Dining Around Town

    Hank Bouwman

    Dining around Town
    Thirty-four of our members participated in our October 13 and 20 dinner at The Dam Pub in Meaford with a number of members on our Waitlist. Dining Around Town has traditionally held dinners in the past, however last winter we tried luncheons for the first time and members seemed to really enjoy them. We are now ready to try a mid-morning 10 AM Brunch at Sheardown’s Wine Bar in Meaford on Wednesday November 23. Invitations will be sent out on November 7 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town.

    Save the dates

    • Wednesday, November 23: Brunch at 10 am at Sheardown’s Wine Bar in Meaford
    • Wednesday January 18: Luncheon at 12 noon at Sterling’s Restaurant in Thornbury


    Bill McMurrary 

    Thirteen members of the R.O.M.E.O. (Retired Old Men Eating Out) group met at the Leeky Canoe on October 12 for good food and good company! Our next get-together will be the second Wednesday in November (November 9) at The Corner Cafe in Thornbury.

    Vicki Kellar, Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    Our Hiking Group finished the season with an energetic 9.7 km hike around the base of Blue Mountain and the golf course area. The weather more than cooperated with a high of 23 degrees on an amazingly sunny day at the end of October. The 16 participants experienced new streets & trails, enjoyed the autumn colours and end-of-season coffees and snacks on Vicki & Terry’s front deck.

    This has been an active hiking year with many forest trails, waterfalls, rivers and crevice cave hikes. We would like to thank the various hike leaders including Sandy, Christine, Maureen, Dennis, Ilene, Cathy and Vicki for taking us on these varied adventures, several of which ended with a tasty lunch or snack. A highlight of the season was Robert Burcher’s guided hike along the Trout Hollow, Bighead River. His knowledge of John Muir and the early area development was intriguing. A special thanks to our long term co-ordinator Cynthia Sampson for all her organizing talents. Cynthia is retiring from that role, but we look forward to her joining us on future hikes. To join us next year simply sign up in the spring at the Activity Fair to receive our hike details. Be sure to check out the photos on our Hiking Slideshow. Have a Wonderful Winter! 

    Nordic Pole Walking

    Nancy Hart

    Spring, summer and fall of 2022 have been great for pole walking. Lots of warm sunny days. We only had to cancel 2 or 3 times due to bad weather. Hopefully November weather will allow us a few more walks before the cold temperatures arrive. During the winter nordic poles (poles 4 life) can be used for snowshoeing by removing the rubber booties and adding snow baskets which can be purchased at PharmaSave in Thornbury. Pole walking is a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors and keep fit! Be sure to check out the Nordic Pole Walking photos...


    Nancy Dixon

    Bogged down at Bognor! Our intrepid group of nine set out on Friday to walk the boardwalk and enjoy the lovely fall colours, as my hairdresser told me it was a very easy flat walk on the Bognor Marsh boardwalk. Now l should have been alerted to those two words "easy" and "marsh". I loved the walk until l had to cross the frost covered, floating bridge (over a large body of water) which moved from side to side on every step l took while my Ramblers were bouncing across. Thanks to my best pal Heather l made it. We trudged on through the marsh leaving our footprints in the wet trail. We were finally revived by the noise of traffic and ended our adventure via a relaxing walk along the road to our cars with very muddy boots. In spite of my trials on the trail, it was an amazing experience thanks also to our two expert hikers, Vicki and Maureen, leading us and my Ramblers who always seem to make our walks the best. On to our next Ramble or Adventure. The latest photos are also posted on the Ramblers Slideshow!

    Ski Legends

    Louise Armstrong

    The Ski Legends committee has been busy organizing events for the upcoming season. Skiis and Biikes has reinstated a “ special relationship” with Ski Legends members. It is the responsibility of every member to be respectful to the staff at Skiis and Biikes so we do not jeopardize this relationship. Starting November 1 they will offer members a 15% discount on white tag items (clothing, helmets, goggles, mitts, etc.) but not skis or boots as their inventory is still compromised by supply chain issues.

    The Wine and Cheese, for Legends members only, is December 9 from 7 to 9 PM. Ski days at the private clubs have been confirmed. Please go to the Ski Legends Website for dates to ski at the private clubs. The very popular activity of Skiing Together at Blue Mountain will be back every Tuesday and Wednesday, meeting at the the Silver Bullet chair by 9:30 AM.

    There are ski trips to Sun Peaks BC and Snow Mass/Aspen in 2023. More detailed information is available on the Ski Legends website, including the trip leader who you would contact to ask if there is still space to go to these wonderful ski destinations. As you must be a member of Ski Legends to participate in any of these events or trips, the membership application is available on the website.

    Lastly and most importantly, I am stepping down from my role as the Beaver Valley PROBUS Ski Legends representative. It has been fun working with the great people on the Ski Legends organizing committee. I hope someone will step up to take over as of January 2023. Please contact me for further information.


    Gloria Thompson

    People are showing great interest for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland trip and I think we will have our numbers. Trip dates are Saturday, May 13, 2023 returning Sunday, May 28, 2023. We don't have a price yet, but should very soon. If you are interested in the trip, please contact me with any questions. 

    Humour Corner

    Shared by Vicki Kellar

    Q: How do you mend a broken pumpkin?

    A: With a pumpkin patch!

    Irish Flu Shots
    Shared by Hank Bouwman

    Nominating Committee

    Caroline Bacher, Ilene Rushefsky-Charland, Elsbeth Wright

    The Beaver Valley PROBUS Club needs you! As you know PROBUS Clubs are run by volunteers. PROBUS Clubs can be energetic, interesting and fun and I think that our Club is a great example of that. Our Club has maintained the diverse, active small groups and informative meetings through the devotion of our many volunteers.  Our members of the Management Committee have spent more than their share of terms of service, especially during two years of COVID restrictions when many of us stayed for an extra term. Now it is time for some of us to take a break and allow others to step into the roles with new ideas and motivation to keep our Club as vibrant and interesting as it always has been.

    There are many of you out there who have skills to share. The tasks are not onerous so please consider volunteering for your Club! You will meet new people with similar interests and enjoy the experience too! The positions that we need to fill next year are as follows;

    Training for these positions will be available. Please click on the role for a link to the job description, or email or phone one of the above members of the Nominating Committee for more information.

    The Master Gardener’s Corner

    Our Master Gardener's Corner by John Hethrington, Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario, has moved online. Look for the Gardening Tips on our web Homepage (scroll down on the right-hand side) or click here to see what you need to be doing in your garden in November.

    Support Group

    Lucie Desjardins, Maureen Lalonde, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

    Did you hear of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

    The Last Word

    The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us...
    Bill Watterson

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Colleen Wilson-Dick

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

  • October 03, 2022 5:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message

    President's Message

    They say that ours is the largest PROBUS club in the world! It looks like we're headed towards our self-imposed ceiling of 600 members after a dip during the pandemic. That's a lot of fellowship, friendship, and fun!

    Managing such a large membership and organizing all our activities could be an overwhelming task, but our club has invested in some clever online tools. Our previous membership chairs, the Kellars, basically had to give up their living room during membership renewals in December and January to process all the paper forms and cheques. Now, we get an email and with a few clicks and keystrokes we've paid our dues online or registered for a dinner around town.

    There is a learning curve on how to do things the new way. Our volunteer organizers are now taking advantage of advanced features available from the online tools. For example, restaurants require that we provide them with everyone's menu selection prior to an event. Organizers love it, because everything is compiled nicely in a report, ready to send to the restaurant. Please bear with us should we accidentally send out premature or incomplete invitations.

    We as members can also help to make this a success. Everyone receives their own invitations—even couples sharing an email address. Please do not forward an email invitation to someone else, or use your spouse's email to register. Only register yourself from an invitation addressed to you—by your name. The system knows which member the invitation was actually assigned to, and you don't want to end up registering as the wrong person! 

    We have had a handful of folks encounter some confusion at events recently, due to creative use of invitations. If in doubt, reach out to the activity organizer, or to our wonderful support volunteers behind

    I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!


    Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer

    It was wonderful to finally be able to have guests attend our September meeting. Among the guests, we were pleased to welcome a dozen or so people who are in the application process for membership. They had an opportunity to meet with members and experience a membership meeting—and one of them even won the 50-50 draw!

    50-50 Draw 

    Hank & Elaine Bouwman

    We were finally able to hold our monthly 50/50 draw at our September 27 monthly speaker meeting. Congratulations to the two winning ticket holders—
    Diane Ellis and prospective new member Ted Littlejohn for $53.00 each.

    50/50 tickets are on sale at the beginning of each monthly meeting and during the first break. 

    Membership Meeting - October 25 @ 1:00 PM

    Location: Beaver Valley Community Centre and Zoom
    : Tom Bell
    Topic: Cycling for Change

    Tom Bell went on an incredible, unique journey to celebrate his 65th birthday in 2017. He completed a 13,000 km cycling trip from the top to bottom of South America. In 2019, he cycled again, but down the eastern side of Africa, starting at Cairo for 11,200 km, through 10 countries before finishing in Cape Town.

    Tom's presentation will answer the question of why anyone would set out to ride the length of two continents and touch on the challenges and rewards of these adventures. Some of you may recognize Tom from his presence in our area—being an avid skier, golfer, lawn bowler, bridge player and of course—cyclist.  As well, Tom was awarded and inducted into the June Callwood Circle of Outstanding Volunteers.

    Questions? Please contact:
    Nancy Dixon for Meeting registration help
    Brenda Rudolf or Kirby Philp for Speaker information

    Social Events

    Don Collins-Williams, Stella Zahradnik

    We have had a busy summer, and were glad to see a good turn out for the Lawn Bowling, Annual Picnic, Sheffield Park Black History Museum Tour and the Golf Tournament. We are now planning events for the rest of the year. Keep a look out for emails announcing upcoming events:

    • Royal Agricultural Fair - Bus trip in early November
    • Cooking Classes at the Larder in Collingwood
    • Meaford Grey Roots Museum - da Vinci Machines exhibit

    Holiday Luncheon: 
    Wednesday, December 7

    Although the holiday season is a ways off, you will want to mark your calendars now! We plan to hold our Beaver Valley PROBUS Club Holiday Luncheon for the first time in 3 years!  It will be held at the Alpine Ski Club—more details to follow, closer to the event...

    Golf Tournament Results

    Kirby Philp

    After a rain out the previous week, we held the Golf Tournament on Monday September 19 @ Highland Glen Golf course in Priceville. The weather cooperated and we had 41 golfers join us for a fun day of golfing. See the photos from the Golf Tournament Slideshow.

    The "winning team" was comprised of Jim Scott, Eileen Scott and Joanne Libby. The team Captain, Jim Scott, was presented with the Green Jacket which will become a tradition for future tournaments. It should also be noted that Jim had a “Hole in One” on the 3rd Hole. Congratulations Jim!!!

    The "Putting contest winning team" was made up of Vicki Kellar, Marjorie Allin, Lou Fowler and Herbert Quickert. Other contest winners included Nancy Cohen, Robert Gallant—both "future new members", David Allin and Marjorie Allin. Congratulations to all!!!

    Thank you to everyone who helped make this a successful and fun day. We look forward to next year’s tournament!

    Email Event Invitations

    Heather Buscher

    Thank you to all the members using the web system invitation emails to register for events - it does make things so much easier for many of the organizers. We have had hundreds of people register successfully for events in the last month, however we also had a few hiccups. Here are a few hints to help you register successfully!

    1. Don’t forget to hit the “Confirm” button
      Some registrations have several windows where you must hit the “Next” button, before getting to the “Confirm” button. Please make sure you hit “Confirm”! 
    2. Look for the Confirmation email immediately after
      You will get a "Confirmation" email within a minute or two, with your registration details (name, email and menu choice etc), indicating that your registration was successful. If you don’t receive this email immediately, it means your registration was not completed, and you should try to register again from the email invitation. If you still aren’t sure, reach out to the activity organizer, who can verify if you are registered and give you a hand. 
    3. Look for the Reminder email 24 hours before
      A Reminder email is usually sent out 24 hours before the event. If you don't get a reminder email the day before, it is another indication that there was a problem with your registration and you should check with the organizer. 
    Another item—which is not obvious—please avoid forwarding email invitations with the green Register button to anyone else!
    • Only hit the Register button if the email is addressed to you
      The system knows who each invitation is meant for and you can end up registering as someone else, and/or they can no longer register. 
    • If you need another copy of the Invitation email, please contact the organizer who can arrange for another one to be sent! 
    • Each member of a couples membership must register separately.
      "One registration" equals "one seat", so registrations can’t be combined. We sometimes use the “guest” option to capture this, but usually only for paid events. 

    Many thanks for signing-up with the Register button from invitation emails when they come your way. However if you have any difficulty, or know someone without email, please contact the organizer or myself—we are very happy to help!

    Activity Groups Update

    Colleen Wilson-Dick

    Members enjoyed a wide variety of activities this month, with ‘good weather’ sports still going and indoor activities such as games, dining, and more. Thanks to all the activity leaders for organizing interesting events for our club. Your time and effort is most appreciated. A few of the activity groups are looking for new leaders to take over next year. We encourage members to consider taking on that responsibility and are happy to help you get started. Look for details in the next few months as we finalize which activity groups will be needing leaders.

    Also, I am looking for another Activity Co-convenor to help me with organizing activities. Please let me know if you are interested! Happy October! Colleen


    Computer Group

    Martin Buscher

    Computer Group

    The most recent meeting was held Friday, September 30  where we reviewed what we learned about fraud awareness from our speaker earlier in the week. October's meeting will be held on Monday, October 24, with Google Drive/Docs/Sheets workshop. Bring your own laptop to this one!


    Elaine & Hank Bouwman

    Computer Group

    We’re back playing in person! We were finally able to get a group of 8 members to meet at Elaine & Hank’s house for an enjoyable evening of cards after a 3 year absence. George Czerwinski went home with bragging rights for the evening after coming out on top following 7 rounds. Save the dates:

    • Tuesday, October 11 
    • Tuesday, November 8 
    • Tuesday, December 13

    Casual Dining With Friends

    Sallie Kedwell, Shellie Smith, Eileen Scott

    Fellow Diners—Now that fall is definitely in the air we look forward to our upcoming shared dinners. Please watch your email postings for the following dates: October 27, November 24 and a Holiday Cocktail get together on December 15. To date we have been averaging a steady complement of 30/35 participants at each event but do hope that with the summer vacation commitments and the worst of the Covid months behind us that more of you will feel comfortable in participating. It’s always a pleasure to meet old and new friends over a pleasant shared meal.

    Dining Around Town

    Hank Bouwman

    Dining around Town
    53 of our members participated in our September 21 dinner at Walter Falls with a 3 course meal. Everyone mingled during the cocktail ½ hour and renewed old acquaintances. Seats were randomly assigned so we got to enjoy meeting new friends during the dinner hour. Our next dinner will be in Meaford on Thursday October 13 and again on October 20. Seating will be limited to 16 members on each date.

    Save the dates: The two sessions in October are already "waitlist only".

    • Thursday, October 13 Dinner at 5 pm at The Dam Pub in Meaford 
    • Thursday, October 20 Dinner at 5 pm at The Dam Pub in Meaford 
    • Wednesday, November 23 Brunch at 10 am at Sheardown’s Wine Bar in Meaford


    Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    The hiking group enjoyed hikes near Meaford this month. We were lucky to have Robert Burcher as the leader on the Trout Hollow trail, providing fascinating information about John Muir, the history, fauna and flora of the area. Dennis Knight shared his extensive knowledge of the Bruce trail, leading two hikes on the escarpment west of Meaford, pointing out rare ferns and other plants. Be sure to check out the photos on our Hiking Slideshow. We look forward to a few more hikes in October to finish off the season.

    Backroads Cycling

    June Dalton

    This past summer’s riding was fun-filled and not without some excitement. As of this Thursday we will have enjoyed 20 rides as a group. Lots of interesting stories were shared along the county roads. Many kilometres were covered, new friendships were made and several butter tarts were consumed all over the county! The rides provided us with new adventures and lots of fun challenges. Last week’s ride began with the thermometer registering 7 degrees Celsius—We called it balmy! As this season draws to a close, there is an element of sadness. I will miss our Thursday morning rides. See our slideshow for photos of our last ride!  Back Roads Cyclists—I look forward to riding with you next Spring. Hope to see all of you back in the saddle in 2023.


    Nancy Dixon

    Well, our Ramblers certainly have been consistent this year. Thanks to all who have attended and made our outings so enjoyable. We have progressed from walking with masks throughout Covid to blazing new trails including our walk on the Old Mail Road, which is still in its original state. We hope to revisit our Eugenia walk to experience the fall colours. More info to follow.

    For those members who don't like the cold, we are able to join the walkers at the Beaver Valley Community Centre, Thornbury on Mondays and Thursdays 9:00 am to 10:30 am. (Music included). Just drop in. Look for our event emails to be part of our rambles. Anyone new who wants to join—just register for the activity and you will get our event emails or contact Nancy Dixon. The latest photos are also posted on the Ramblers Slideshow!

    Ski Legends

    Louise Armstrong

    Don't miss out! Deadlines are approaching and space is filling up fast.  The deadline to book Snowmass, CO is October 5. If you miss the deadline, unbooked space will be released. The 7 night trip to Sun Peaks, BC has only 2 spots left, so book NOW!

    1. Sun Peaks, BC: Staying at at the ski-in, ski-out Sun Peaks Grand Hotel. 7 nights Feb 5-12 starting at $2635 per person, or 10 nights Feb 5-15 starting at $3365 per person. 
    2. Snowmass, Aspen, Colorado: Back by popular demand, Feb 25-Mar 4, staying at the Stonebridge Inn at the base of Snowmass. Prices start at $3380 per person including a 5 day senior ski pass. 

    You must be a PROBUS member, as well as a member of Ski Legends, to register. Complete information on both ski trips and the membership application is available on the Ski Legends website at


    Gloria Thompson

    People are showing great interest for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland trip and I think we will have our numbers. Trip dates are Saturday, May 13, 2023 returning Sunday, May 28, 2023. Due to the crazy hikes in fuel, politics, massive currency swings, etc we don't have a price yet…..but PROBUS members are really keen now, so it is looking very GOOD. Blocking space to Glasgow on AIR TRANSAT is more expensive due to fuel problems, but not overly crazy. Stay tuned… Feel free to call me with any questions. Gloria 705 429 9455

    Photo Corner

    Shared by Lucie Desjardins

    Humour Corner

    Shared by Hank Bouwman

    Nominating Committee

    Caroline Bacher, Ilene Rushefsky-Charland, Elsbeth Wright

    Your PROBUS Club has exciting opportunities for you. If you have computer skills, enjoy meeting new people and like working with a dynamic energetic team, please contact any of the Nominating Committee listed above. We are always looking for people who have ideas to assist us in keeping our Club vibrant and fun! You can make a difference!

    The Master Gardener’s Corner

    Our Master Gardener's Corner by John Hethrington, Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario, has moved online. Look for the Gardening Tips on our web Homepage (scroll down on the right-hand side) or click here to see what you need to be doing in your garden in October.

    Support Group

    Lucie Desjardins, Maureen Lalonde, Mary Ann Collins-Williams

    Did you hear of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

    In Memoriam

    Helga Chapman passed away in early September. She was formerly an active member of the PROBUS Casual Dining Group and the Bruce Trail. Sincere condolences to her husband Don and their family.

    The Last Word

    At every party there are two kinds of people—those who want to go home and those who don’t. The trouble is, they are usually married to each other... Ann Landers

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Colleen Wilson-Dick

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

  • August 31, 2022 10:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message

    President's Message

    It has been an active summer for many of our members! There was a lot going on once the weather allowed us to organize outdoor activities and events. A BIG thank-you to all the volunteers who make this happen for the rest of us!

    Our online event system captures most of this activity, so we know of at least 140 individual activities, such as hikes, bike rides, dinners, etc. There were a few other activities that were organized without the help of the system, such as book clubs, cue sports, Nordic pole walking, ROMEOs and more.

    Our most active members registered for about 40 events! It is nice to see some newcomers really taking advantage of the offerings as well. Curiously, there are some 200 members who haven't signed up for any activity, yet.

    The highlight of the season must surely have been our Annual Picnic, which was held at the Alpine Ski Club. Check out the Picnic photos and videos (!) on our website to get an idea of the good times had by about 100 of our members. If you missed it, look forward to our Christmas Luncheon, which we are planning at that very venue!

    Membership Meeting - September 27 @ 1:00 PM

    Location: Beaver Valley Community Centre and Zoom
    : Brock Godfrey, Canadian Anti-fraud Centre
    Topic: Fraud Awareness for Seniors

    Learn about the top scams targeting Seniors in Canada—what to look for and how to avoid the most serious frauds. This presentation was developed with assistance from the North Bay office, and from RCMP staff in Southern Ontario. 

    Brock took early retirement in 1993 from the Ontario Ministry of Education, after 30 years in education. Following over three years of consulting, he joined PhoneBusters in 1997 as a Volunteer. This organization then became the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. Since leaving North Bay, he mainly gives presentations such as this to Service Clubs, Seniors and Professional Groups, across all of Southern Ontario, and from Maui, Hawaii, to Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia. Where possible, he often co-presents with Police Officers, especially from the OPP or RCMP. Brock received the Superintendent’s Award of Distinction from the RCMP for his work in making presentations about this topic across the province. Brock is approaching 800 presentations, and is looking forward to full retirement soon.

    ? Please contact:
    Nancy Dixon: Meeting registration help
    Brenda Rudolf or Kirby Philp: Speaker information

    The 50-50 Draw Returns

    The 50/50 Draw will be available at our September 27 monthly meeting with tickets available before the start of the meeting and during intermission, at the back of the hall from Hank & Elaine Bouwman.

    We will draw for 2 winners that will share 50% of the sales and it would help to have the correct change available. Ticket costs are as follows:

    • 1 - $2.00 
    • 3 - $5.00 
    • 10 - $10.00

    Activity Groups Update

    Colleen Wilson-Dick

    There have been no shortage of activities as all of the summer outdoor groups have been meeting this month. Below are synopsis of some of the outings that members have enjoyed.  As always, a huge thank you to all of the volunteers, leaders, and coordinators for their time and effort to make our summer fun and active. Read below or check the website to get an idea of what events are happening through our Beaver Valley PROBUS Club.


    Canoeing & Kayaking

    Kirby Philp, Lucie Desjardins, Glenn Downey

    We have had a great season so far, with many members joining us on the water for fun paddles. Our locations that we have explored include the Beaver River 2x, Bell's Lake, Nottawasaga River (Wasaga Sports Park) 2X, Sauble River (@Sauble Falls) and the Collingwood Harbour. These paddles have been very enjoyable with us experiencing nature while enjoying the camaraderie of the group. We will have 2 more paddles left in September to wrap up the season. Check out the Canoeing & Kayaking photos!

    Computer Group

    Martin Buscher

    Computer Group

    Our next meeting is on September 28 at 2 PM when we'll review what we learned about fraud awareness from our speaker the previous day. There are a number of strategies on how to recognize and respond to scams.

    Casual Dining With Friends

    Sallie Kedwell, Shellie Smith, Eileen Scott

    We enjoyed two delightful pot luck picnics during the summer months, one in July at Al and Shellie Smith’s charming backyard and the second in August at Bayview Park Pavilion in TBM. Over 30 attended in each case and great food and good company led to truly enjoyable evenings. With fall coming we will be reverting to our usual small group dinners at various members' homes. Although the format is different from our summer gatherings the events are always great fun and provide an excellent opportunity to meet and enjoy new people. Please watch your email boxes in early September for an invitation to our first fall event on September 22.

    Dining Around Town

    Hank Bouwman

    Dining around Town
    We normally skip holding dinners during July & August, but this year we decided to have a Pizza Party on the outside patio at Justin’s Oven on August 19. The weatherman co-operated and we had an enjoyable dinner & visit. Our next dinner will be at the beautiful Falls Inn in Walters Falls on Wednesday September 21. We had our largest turnout for any dinner here back in 2019.

    Save the date(s):

    • Wednesday, September 21 @ 5 pm. In the banquet room at the Walter Falls Inn
    • Thursday, October 13 @ 5 pm at The Dam Pub, Meaford
    • Thursday, October 20 @ 5 pm at The Dam Pub, Meaford
    • Wednesday, November 23  Brunch @ 10 am at Sheardown's Wine Bar, Meaford


    Bill McMurray

    Our last outing was the second Wednesday of August at Sterling’s in Thornbury— even though they had no record of our group. They handled it well and we were pleased with the service and food. Seated next to us were members of a Ladies PROBUS Club from Collingwood! We have switched to Wednesdays, as there are more places open. I haven’t booked September yet, but will be contacting my members. 


    Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    We have had a nice variety of hikes, through forests, lookouts, waterfalls, and riverside. As cooler weather approaches, with fewer insects, we look forward to more hiking opportunities, both old favourites and new adventures. Thanks to all of our hike leaders. Take a look at the latest Hiking Group Photos. See you on the trails!


    Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    It has been a windy month overall, and opportunities for paddleboarding have been few. Hopefully, we will still have a few calm days in the next few weeks and can go out again. Thanks to those who came out; you did your best.

    Recreational Cycling

    Caroline Bacher

    We began our rides on May 9th. We have been cycling along local trails and quiet roads in Meaford, Thornbury and Collingwood. Thank you to Ilene and Louis Charland who led a ride from Meaford to Lora Bay.  Some of our destinations were further afield such as the Wyevale Train Trail and the trail from Ben Allen to Shallow Lake, which Vicki and Terry Kellar offered to lead. Our next long ride will be in Midland along the Tay Shore Trail. The group has typically been small, from 6 to 10 participants and we all have enjoyed the camaraderie of cycling together.  We will continue our regular scheduled Monday rides into October, weather permitting.


    Nancy Dixon

    What a great year l have enjoyed with our Ramblers group. Just finished our Creemore crawl introducing my Ramblers to the old jail, the Chocolate patisserie and a few of us stayed to sample Creemore's best ales not to mention the shopping. After nearly two years of walking, talking and encouraging members to Ramble with me, l want to thank those who joined our group. You have made us all happier, healthier and eager to Ramble on. Thanks, from both of us! Nancy and Heather Some new photos are also posted on the Ramblers Slideshow!

    Ski Legends

    Louise Armstrong

    It is hard to think about snow in the summer—but now is the time to book your group ski vacation! PROBUS Ski Legends has arranged for two ski trips out west this winter and there is still some availability.

    The two ski trips for 2023 are still open for registration—but sign-up soon!

    1. Sun Peaks, BC: Staying at at the ski-in, ski-out Sun Peaks Grand Hotel. 7 nights Feb 5-12 starting at $2635 per person, or 10 nights Feb 5-15 starting at $3365 per person. 
    2. Snowmass, Aspen, Colorado: Back by popular demand, Feb 25-Mar 4, staying at the Stonebridge Inn at the base of Snowmass. Prices start at $3380 per person including a 5 day senior ski pass. 

    You must be a PROBUS member, as well as a member of Ski Legends, to register. Complete information on both ski trips and the membership application is available on the Ski Legends website at


    Gloria Thompson

    I have asked for rebooking and repricing for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland for Saturday, May 13, 2023 and returning Sunday, May 28, 2023. It will start and end at the Glasgow airport and go as far north as the Orkneys. For those who paid a deposit on the 2020 trip, your deposit will be honoured. Yes—they are still in business thankfully. We need about 25 people so I hope you will talk to one and all and find more folks... We have lost quite a few of our travellers, who had signed up over the years, for various reasons. I will post an updated flyer when I can get one. Feel free to call me. Gloria 705 429 9455

    Photo Corner

    The Paddleboarding group met on August 16, but the bay was too rough—so the group enjoyed the sunset instead...Submitted by Lucie Desjardins.

    Our Annual Summer Picnic returned on August 11, after a hiatus of 3 years. Over 100 members attended the event at Alpine Ski Club where a good time was had by all! See the Picnic Videos and photos shared by Peter Edwards!

    The Nordic Pole Walkers have been walking almost every Tuesday since April. Check out the Nordic Pole Walking photo page and view the video captured and annotated by Paul Green.

    Don't forget to take a look at other photos shared by our members over the last couple of months!

    See all the Photos of 2022—including Backroads CyclingExplorators Cycling, Recreational CyclingHiking and more!

    Grammar Lesson:

    Shared by Hank Bouwman

    No English dictionary has been able to adequately explain the difference between these two words - "Complete" or "Finished"

    In a linguistic competition held in London a few years ago and attended by supposedly, the best in the world, Samdar Balgobin, a Guyanese man, was the clear winner and received a standing ovation which lasted over five minutes.

    The final question was: 'How do you explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that is easy to understand? Some people say there is no difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED.'

    Here is his astute answer:

    • When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. 
    • When you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED.
    • And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED!

    Nominating Committee

    Caroline Bacher, Ilene Rushefsky-Charland, Elsbeth Wright

    Even though there has been a break for the summer, the Nominating Committee is always looking for members to participate on our Management Committee. If you are interested in making a difference to your Club and would like to become an active member, please contact any one of us on the Nominating Committee.

    The Master Gardener’s Corner

    Our Master Gardener's Corner by John Hethrington, Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario, has moved online. Look for the Gardening Tips on our web Homepage (scroll down on the right-hand side) or click here to see what you need to be doing in your garden in September.

    The Last Word

    Shared by Charmane Evenson
    Put up in a place where it’s easy to see
    The cryptic admonishment T.T.T.
    When you begin to feel how depressingly slowly you climb,
    It’s well to remember that Things Take Time.   
    Piet Heins

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Colleen Wilson-Dick

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.
  • June 04, 2022 8:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message

    President's Message

    Take a look at our club’s calendar and you’ll see lots of activities and events. It isn’t quite back to normal, but there is ample opportunity again to live by the PROBUS motto of Fellowship, Friendship, and Fun! Our sincere thanks go to all the fine folks who volunteer their time and energy to organize these events for the benefit of our club members!

    Whether meeting outdoors or indoors, we still need to follow club guidance to limit the risk to our fellow members should we be infected by COVID, knowingly or unknowingly. It has been wonderful to witness how mindful everyone was at the events I attended!

    We look forward to welcoming you at our General Meeting on June 28. Doors at the Beaver Valley Community Centre open at 1 PM, with proceedings starting at 1:30 PM. Tables will be set up to help with membership issues, event registrations, etc. There will be a live broadcast of the guest presentation via Zoom for those of us unable to join in person. If all goes well, you can also view a recording once loaded on our YouTube channel. The subsequent General Meeting will be in September, after our usual summer break.

    June Membership Meeting - June 28 @ 1:00 PM

    Speaker: Kaylin Martin, Physiotherapist Meaford
    Topic: Falls and the Aging Body: Learn more about the changes relating to balance, bone structure and perceptions about health as we age. During this presentation Kaylin will also discuss fall data, risk and most importantly fall prevention.

    Kaylin graduated summa cum laude with an Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology and minor in Gerontology from McMaster University in 2008. She continued on at McMaster University for a Masters of Physiotherapy, graduating in 2010. Kaylin has primarily worked in private practice over the course of her career focusing on orthopedics, treating a variety of conditions from fractures, post-surgical care, sports injuries, concussions, TMJ and arthritic conditions. Recently, she has furthered her education in the field of women’s health and chronic pain. Kaylin has been practicing in Meaford since 2012 and recently opened her own practice in 2020.

    Questions? Please contact:
    Nancy Dixon: Meeting registration help
    Brenda Rudolf or Kirby Philp: Speaker information

    Social Events

    We have a number of exciting events coming up... Check your emails for more information and registration details. 

    Sold out!

    • June 8: “Richard III” Stratford Theatre Outing
    • June 16: Avro Arrow Museum Tour 
    • July 27: “Buying the Farm” King’s Wharf Theatre Outing 
    Coming Soon! 
    • July 12: Collingwood Lawn Bowling and BBQ. Try your hand at lawn bowling. Lesson included, no experience necessary! 
    • August 11: Summer Picnic. The annual picnic has returned and will be held this year at the Alpine Ski Club.
    •  August 30: Sheffield Park Black History & Cultural Museum. We will return for another outing to the museum in Clarksburg. 
    • September 12: Golf Tournament at Ferns Golf Club. 

    We will be looking at offering some other events in the fall as well. Look out for the September Grapevine for additional announcements!

    Don Collins-Williams, Social Convenor
    Stella Zahradnik, Assistant Social Convenor

    Lawn Bowling & BBQ

    Date: Tuesday, July 12
    Time: 3:30 PM
    Location: Collingwood Lawn Bowling Club
    Cost$36.30 per person - Lawn Bowling & BBQ
     $10.50 per person - Lawn Bowling only

    Lawn bowling is low impact exercise, with walking, bending and stretching. No prior experience is needed! We will be given a 15-20 minute lesson on the basics of the game, and then be divided into teams to play. Option to stay for the light BBQ afterward!

    Look out for an email invitation on June 7 with all the details.
    Don Collins-Williams

    Annual Summer Picnic

    Date: Thursday, August 11
    Time: 12:00 PM
    Location: Alpine Ski Club
    Cost: $30 / person 
    Our Annual Summer Picnic has returned! This time it will be held at the Alpine Ski Club. Enjoy the view with a choice of gourmet boxed lunch! Although there will not be a Bocce tournament this year, there will be other fun activities on the front lawn and lots of good company!

    Look for the email invitation on June 29 with all the details.
    Stella Zahradnik
    Don Collins-Williams

    Golf Tournament

    Date: Monday, September 12
    Time: 9:00 AM check-in 
    Location: Highland Glen Golf Course, Priceville 
    Cost: $95 / person 

    Price includes 18 holes golf with cart, coffee and muffin to start, followed by BBQ lunch and prizes after golf. The format is "best ball - 18 holes". As with past tournaments, the teams will be assigned by the organizers to mix things up!

    Watch for the email invitation on June 23 with all the details.
    Looking forward to a great time together on the links. 
    Kirby Philp

    COVID-19 Notice
    Members need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend any club events, meetings, and activities.
    All members are expected to use the Province’s self-assessment tool and only participate in activities or events if the outcome of that assessment shows no need for self-isolation.
    Face masks are to be worn indoors, except when eating or drinking.
    Members attending events at the Beaver Valley Community Centre are required to follow the municipality’s health restrictions.
    Activity Leaders no longer need to submit a plan on how they address these COVID restrictions. Activity Leaders may turn to Convenors for advice and assistance.

    Activity Group Update

    Colleen Wilson-Dick

    Have you been hiking, biking, canoeing, rambling or eating out with your PROBUS friends? If not, you are missing fun, companionship and a chance to participate in something you enjoy. These and other activities have started, and if you are not signed up, we encourage you to do so soon. Once you have signed up for an activity, you will receive emails with information about coming events. You can participate as often as you wish. Read below or check the website to get an idea of what events are happening through our Beaver Valley PROBUS Club.


    We have had suggestions to form new groups for golf, choir and photography. If you are interested in such activities, please let us know, and indicate if you are willing to be a group leader or co-leader. Please contact Colleen Wilson-Dick, Activity Convenor.

    Canoeing & Kayaking

    Kirby Philp, Lucie Desjardins, Glenn Downey

    We had our first paddle of the year on the Beaver River this week. The weather made us reschedule to the afternoon but those who were able to join us had an enjoyable paddle with a few wildlife sightings. Looking forward to our second paddle on July 15. See the photo slideshow of the outing here!

    Computer Group

    Martin Buscher

    Computer Group

    In our last meeting we had fun watching a voice actress fool a phone service provider into giving her full access to someone else's account. You can see the video in the slidedeck. We then learned how to set up 2nd factor authentication on critical accounts to significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

    This month we'll talk about some of the free services we can get from the Google platform, such as automatic storage of photos from our phones, how to search for flights and get notifications of price changes, etc.

    Casual Dining With Friends

    Sallie Kedwell, Shellie Smith, Eileen Scott

    With thanks to our hosts—the Churchills, the Kedwells, the Meiklejohns and the Smiths—our new amalgamated group started off with a bang, with its first event on May 26. A great time was enjoyed by all 34 participants and we look forward to our second dinner on June 23 with a new group of hosts. Watch for the invitation to this dinner in the coming days and please consider acting as a host.

    Thinking ahead, we are planning a pot luck picnic at the harbour pavilion in Meaford in July and a similar event at Bayview Park in Thornbury in August. The dates will coincide with the fourth Thursday of each month. We look forward to crossing paths with our 61 group participants in the near future.

    Dining Around Town

    Hank Bouwman

    Dining around Town
    We now have 138 members signed up for our Dining Around Town group. Our May 18 dinner with 28 members was held at Georgian Bay Family Restaurant in Collingwood. The portions were very generous and many “doggy bags” were requested. We have booked 2 dinners at Justin’s Oven in Kimberley on Wednesday June 8 (sold out in 3 hours) and a second seating on June 15 at 5 pm.

    Save the date(s):

    • Wednesday, September 21 @ 5 pm. In the banquet room at the Walter Falls Inn
    • Thursday, October 13 @ 5 pm at The Dam Pub, Meaford
    • Thursday, October 20 @ 5 pm at The Dam Pub, Meaford
    • November TBA  @ The Mill Café, Thornbury


    Cynthia Sampson / Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    Hikers have been enjoying nature, meeting new friends, and connecting with old friends. In the last month, we have taken relatively easy hikes, such as the West Collingwood Loop, the Nipissing Ridge trail, and the Trout Hollow trail. We have variety of hikes planned for the next month, and are always looking for suggestions and hike leaders. Take a look at the latest Hiking Group Photos. See you on the trails!


    Nancy Dixon

    What a great walk we had in Meaford. Thanks to Maureen Hussey, we didn’t get lost. We marveled at the diversity that Meaford has to offer with the Harbor, lakeshore area, beautiful homes and countryside. Watch for our future adventures which will include return trips to Creemore, Harrison Park in Owen Sound and Keady Market. Some new photos are also posted on the Ramblers Slideshow!

    Recreational Cycling

    Caroline Bacher

    Recreational Cycling has started! Our first ride was on May 9. Eleven cyclists started at Grey Rd 40 and cycled down the trail to the Craigleith Depot and back. It was a beautiful sunny day and some of us gathered for coffee outside at the Bacher residence. May 16 was rained out so a small group cycled later from the BV Community Centre down to the Georgian trail to do a large loop back through Clarksburg. May 30 was the Lilac ride starting from the Craigleith Depot, led by Vicki and Terry Kellar. On June 6 we will cycle in Collingwood.  Photos will be posted on the website. 

    Ski Legends
    Louise Armstrong

    In spite of the continuing covid pandemic, last winter was a great success for Ski Legends members. Each Tuesday and Wednesday people met at Blue Mountain to ski together, the days at the private ski clubs were very well attended and we were able to celebrate the end of the season with a free breakfast at Toronto Ski Club. There were two wonderful ski trips: one to Banff and Lake Louise; the second to Sun Peaks.

    Hot Off the Press! Two ski trips for 2023 are available NOW to sign up!

    1. Sun Peaks, BC: Staying at at the ski-in, ski-out Sun Peaks Grand Hotel. 7 nights Feb 5-12 starting at $2635 per person, or 10 nights Feb 5-15 starting at $3365 per person. Legends return to Sun Peaks every year as the terrain is suitable for every level, there is a lively apres ski scene as well as many great restaurants in the pedestrian village. Deadline to book is July 15th
    2. Snowmass, Aspen, Colorado: Back by popular demand, Feb 25-March 4, staying at the Stonebridge Inn at the base of Snowmass. Prices start at $3380 per person including a 5 day senior ski pass. This is a great time of the year to enjoy the Colorado sunshine and wide open slopes of all 4 Aspen/Snowmass mountains. Only 24 spots are available so book now!

    You must be a PROBUS member, as well as a member of Ski Legends, to register. Complete information on both ski trips and the membership application is available on the Ski Legends website at

    Photo Corner

    Submitted by Lucie Desjardins

    Don't forget to take a look at other photos shared by our members this month!

    See all the Photos of 2022,  including Recreational Cycling, Ramblers, Dining Around Town and more!

    Nominating Committee

    “Oyez, oyez, oyez” derives from French and, in the words of the Town Crier, means “Listen” or “Hark”. (We recognize these words as “Hear ye, hear ye” in English). It was the Town Crier’s job to announce news, proclamations and bylaws to the citizens during medieval times as the people were illiterate.

    However, we are living in quite different times now! We are all using computers, ipads, smartphones and other gadgets to connect with one another and to get the latest news. Our Club certainly depends upon the website and emails to connect with our members. If you enjoy using the computer and have skills that you could share, please consider assisting Colleen Wilson-Dick as Activities Co-convenor.

    To find out more about this position, please contact Caroline Bacher, Ilene Rushefsky Charland or Colleen Wilson-Dick.

    The Master Gardener’s Corner

    Our Master Gardener's Corner by John Hethrington, Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario, has moved online. Look for the Gardening Tips on our web Homepage (scroll down on the right-hand side) or click here to see what you need to be doing in your garden in June.

    The Last Word

    Shared by Hank Bouwman

    My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I’m right.
    Ashleigh Brilliant

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Colleen Wilson-Dick

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

  • May 02, 2022 9:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message

    President's MessageAfter more than two, long years of living in some form of isolation or other, nearly 70 of us managed to gather again in the Beaver Valley Community Centre to hold our April meeting. We were joined online by another 20. We still wanted to be careful, though, so everyone kept wearing their masks. We had plenty of chairs set out so that it was easy to keep our distances. We didn't dare serve coffee and cookies, yet, for fear of having members come too close to each other with their masks off.

    For a while it's going to be some version of a Texas 2-Step line dance, although I'm hopeful that it's going to be 2 steps forward and, maybe, 1 step back! Judging by the friendly boos I received for tricking the audience with a brain teaser, I'd say we're well on the road to recovering our old lives! It was also a wonderful gesture by the President of PROBUS CANADA, Bob MacNair, to visit with us on the occasion of our 20-year club anniversary. Our very own Bruce Ross then educated us on the topic of depression and on his personal experience with the disease. It would have been an even more uplifting talk if it wasn't for the subpar sound quality in the hall. Chalk that one off as that 1 step back, but we'll address it for our next meetings. Hope y'all can come!

    May Membership Meeting - May 17 @ 1:00 PM

    Guest Speaker: Robert Burcher
    Topic: John Muir's Local Connection
    Location: Beaver Valley Community Centre, Thornbury

    Registration: Online Registration is required.
    Please click the Yes button in the email sent on May 3, or register here. We can only accommodate 150 members—so please register today!

    Since COVID cases are increasing in our area, registration will be checked at the door and masks must be worn at all times. Refreshments will not be served at this meeting.

    Robert Burcher: In 1990, Robert found an abandoned plaque at the Epping Lookout south of Meaford describing the fact that John Muir had once lived in this area. Robert's discovery has led to a 32-year search for everything pertaining to the life of the famous American naturalist and why he was living in Meaford for two years!

    The result of this search culminated in the writing of a book called My Summer of Glorious Freedom about John Muir wandering around southern Ontario in 1864. Robert is a fifth generation Grey County descendant. He is a photographer, writer and storyteller. Currently he is working with the Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy to revitalize the trails of the Bighead River valley of Meaford where Muir lived.

    Questions? Please contact:
    Nancy Dixon: Meeting registration help
    Brenda Rudolf or Kirby Philp: Speaker information


    Please Wear Your Name Badge! It’s very hard to remember everyone’s name. Our Club has nearly 600 members...many we haven’t seen in over 2 the hall where we are wearing masks...with our memories that are not necessarily improving with time!

    White vs Blue Badges….Members have white badges. Management team members have blue badges. If you are at a meeting and have a question, you can ask anyone with a blue badge. If you are a new member you can pick up your name badge at the May in-person meeting at the Community Centre.

    Kathy Mercer / Pam Weaver
    Membership Co-Chairs

    King’s Wharf Theatre Event

    Buying the Farm

    This July 27th show at King’s Wharf Theatre, Penetanguishene is almost sold out. Contact Vicki Kellar for the last ticket or Join the Wait List for potential additional tickets.

    Questions? Please contact:
    Vicki Kellar

    Avro Arrow Museum Tour

    Avro Arrow On Thursday May 12, 2022, we have arranged a tour of the Avro Arrow Museum, east of Stayner. It sold out in a couple of hours. As many of you will be aware, the Avro Arrow, was a supersonic interceptor aircraft designed and built in Canada in the mid to late 1950's.

    Due the tremendous response to the first tour date in May, we have now secured a second tour date on Thursday June 16. Priority registration goes to those who were waitlisted for the first tour—but look for another email invitation with more detail on May 9, when we open up the remaining spots to the rest of our Club! 

    Don Collins-Williams, Social Convenor
    Stella Zahradnik, Assistant Social Convenor

    Golf Tournament

    We would like to announce that we are planning to hold a Golf Tournament this year in September. The date and location will be confirmed in the June Grapevine.

    If anyone is interested in helping out at this year’s golf tournament please contact Kirby Philp. Stay tuned for further details and start working on your game.

    COVID-19 Notice
    Members need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend any club events, meetings, and activities.
    All members are expected to use the Province’s self-assessment tool and only participate in activities or events if the outcome of that assessment shows no need for self-isolation.
    Face masks are to be worn indoors, except when eating or drinking.
    Members attending events at the Beaver Valley Community Centre are required to follow the municipality’s health restrictions.
    Activity Leaders no longer need to submit a plan on how they address these COVID restrictions. Activity Leaders may turn to Convenors for advice and assistance.

    Activity Group Update

    Colleen Wilson-Dick

    The best way to meet new people and make new friends, plus participating in an activity that you enjoy, is to join an activity group. If you haven’t already signed up for activities which interest you, we encourage you to do so soon. This way you will receive emails about coming events, and then participate as you feel comfortable.


    We have had suggestions to form new groups for golf, choir and photography. If you are interested in such activities, please let us know, and indicate if you are willing to be a group leader or co-leader. Please respond to Colleen Wilson-Dick, Activity Convenor.

    Computer Group

    Martin Buscher

    Computer Group There it was, our first in-person meeting in ages. I'm not sure that it was a very efficient learning experience, but that's not why we meet, is it? We had a good time and, I for one, learned stuff! For example, did you know that by pressing the iPhone 'home button' you can issue voice commands like "Who's on first?" The answer: correct! Bet you knew that already! We'll do another in-person meeting again on May 25 at 2 PM. 

    Dining Around Town

    Hank Bouwman

    Dining around TownOur April 13 luncheon at Al Carbon had 45 people sign up. Unfortunately, we had a fair number of cancellations, but those who attended thoroughly enjoyed the meal and fellowship. We plan to book some more luncheons next winter.

    Upcoming Sessions: We have a 5 PM dinner reservation on May 18 at Georgian Bay Family Restaurant in Collingwood for a 3-course meal for a terrific price of $23.00 plus tax & gratuity.

    Save the date: Wednesday September 21 at 5 PM, in the Banquet room at the Walter Falls Inn. You must be a member of the Dining Around Town Activity Group to receive the invitations and attend!

    Casual Dining With Friends

    Sallie Kedwell, Shellie Smith, Eileen Scott

    The results of the survey are in! The members of the Dining With Friends and Casual Dining Activity Groups voted overwhelmingly to consolidate and are now known as Casual Dining With Friends.

    For now, the group will meet on the fourth Thursday of the month, and hosts will supply the dishes. The host will select, prepare and serve the main course and each guest will be asked to bring an appetizer, a salad, a vegetable dish or a dessert sufficient to serve the group in attendance. The participating guests are fully able to choose their own contribution to the meal, no specific theme will be in place. If you wish to join the new group, just respond to the email invitation sent on May 2, or click here to register for the group online. Our first get together will be May 26.


    Cynthia Sampson / Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    HikingWe eagerly anticipate the first hike of the season on May 3. Vicki has volunteered to take us to the West Collingwood loop. Thanks to Vicki for giving us the chance to meet with friends, view early blooms and take a walk on the boardwalk. Would you like to lead a hike? contact Cynthia Sampson if you wish to volunteer.


    Nancy Dixon

    The Ramblers will meet on Friday, May 6 at Bayview Park for a walk along the Georgian Trail. Then we have our next excursion to Keady Market on Tuesday, May 10, to enjoy the sights, sounds and aromas—not to mention food—while walking around looking for bedding plants and deals we must not miss. Watch for the invitation email with directions and details about where to meet. You must be signed up for the Ramblers Activity Group to receive the emails!

    Support Group

    Mary Ann Collins-Williams, Maureen LaLonde and Lucie Desjardins

    If you, or another BVPC member you know of, is having a difficult time and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team, please contact one of us. We would be happy to follow up and/or get in touch. We have also posted a Community Support Reference Guide on the Support Group activity page, which lists many of the resources that are available locally. Please take a look!

    Photo Corner

    Submitted by Lucie Desjardins

    Don't forget to take a look at other photos shared by our members this month!

    The Master Gardener’s Corner

    Our Master Gardener's Corner by John Hethrington, Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario, has moved online. Look for the Gardening Tips on our web Homepage (scroll down on the right-hand side) or click here to see what you need to be doing in your garden in May.

    The Last Word

    Shared by Bruce Ross
    Don’t look back, you’re not going that way!
    Mary Engelbreit

    Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Colleen Wilson-Dick

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.
  • April 05, 2022 5:33 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    President's Message

    President's Message Exciting news: we are slowly clawing back our old lifestyle from the pandemic, and that includes holding April's general meeting in-person at the Community Centre! We're still going to be very protective of each other by requiring properly worn masks, social distancing, and a prior self-assessment as per Provincial guidelines! You'll get an email where you can let us know via a one-click button if you're likely to come. This will help our volunteers setting up the hall.

    There are other events in the pipeline: a trip to see Richard III in Stratford, going to Penetanguishene for the romantic comedy Buying the Farm, and taking a guided tour of the Avro Arrow Museum at the Edenvale Aerodrome. Check for details below and keep an eye on your email inbox for more to come!

    April Membership Meeting - April 26 @ 1:00 PM

    Guest Speaker:  Bruce Ross
    Topic: Breaking Free of Depression's Grip
    Location:  Beaver Valley Community Centre, Thornbury

    Registration: Online Registration is required. Please click the Yes button in the email sent on April 2, or register here. We can only accommodate 100 members and are almost full—so please register today! Once we reach capacity, all Maybe responses along with new registrations will be moved to the Waitlist.

    Since COVID cases are increasing in our area, registration will be checked at the door and masks must be worn at all times. Refreshments will not be served at this meeting.

    We are pleased to welcome our guest speaker Bruce Ross, who is actually one of our new PROBUS Members!  Bruce retired from a thirty-two-year career with Mainstreet Credit Union and moved to Meaford in 2021. He has lived with depression/anxiety since early high school until today. Bruce has just published Breaking Free of Depression’s Grip – A Powerful Success Story, in January, 2022.  Bruce’s book chronicles his 45-year journey and struggle with depression and anxiety, from his high school years until his recent retirement. 

    Bruce will share with us his trials and tribulations of living with the disease, and the many professional and self-help measures he has attempted to combat it. He brings a message of hope that a person can lead a productive family life, career, and personal life despite living with the heavy and constant weight of a mental illness.  For more information about Bruce and his book, please see his website at 

    Questions? Please contact:
    Nancy Dixon: Meeting registration help
    Brenda Rudolf or Kirby Philp: Speaker information


    After a 2 year hiatus, with almost no Beaver Valley PROBUS Club social events due to COVID, we are finally able to start organizing social events for our members once again. We have had over 120 new members join our club since February 2020, and with the exception of the Sheffield Black History museum outing last fall, most have not had an opportunity to participate in a BVPC social event, and may have little idea of the types of events we have organized in the past. Our Stratford theatre outing  in June sold out within a few hours—so there is clearly lots of pent up demand to get out and do things!

    There are several annual events that have taken place most years. These include the Stratford theatre outing, a golf tournament, King’s Wharf theatre outing, mini-golf putt and lunch, a summer picnic, and a Christmas lunch. These are all in the works for this year - so stay tuned for details!

    Previous successful events have included: Backroads car tour, Fall colours tour, Cranberry Festival, Hindu Temple and Sweet Palace tour, GPS car adventure, Muskoka boat tour, Royal Agricultural Fair, Blue Jays game, Observatory tour, Kolapore Springs fish hatchery tour, Thornbury Cidery tour, Dairy farm tour, Wye Marsh nature reserve tour, Collingwood/Owen Sound Harbour cruise, Collingwood historical walk, Niagara wine tour, Waterloo Central Railway, St Jacobs farmer’s market, and a Tour of an Amazon facility. If you listened to the presentation after the AGM given by the Blue Mountain Watershed Trust,  their “See the Salmon Run” event, and their "Be the Change” film series are also possibilities.

    These are only some of the potential future social events that we could organize. The possibilities are endless! To that end, we would like to emphasize that these are your BVPC social events, and we would love to hear your suggestions for other events. No idea is too far-fetched, so if you think of something, please let us know and we can look into it — just don’t be surprised if we ask you to help organize it!

    So this is just a sneak peak at BVPC’s social calendar, and we look forward to seeing old friends and welcoming new friends, as we slowly come out of our social isolation.

    Don Collins-Williams, Social Convener
    Stella Zahradnik, Assistant Social Convener

    King’s Wharf Theatre Event

    Once again we can return to the King’s Wharf Theatre in Penetanguishene! Our Club has arranged a limited number of tickets for the July 27 "capacity reduced" matinee for Buying the Farm— A Rural Romantic Comedy. Country wit meets city bluster in this fast-paced romantic comedy about the charms and challenges of maintaining the family farm.

    Talk to your PROBUS friends, partner etc. and look out for an invitation email on April 20 for full details and link to register and pay online. Tickets will likely go fast—so be ready to register and pay online when the email comes out. If you need help with the online payment part, phone assistance will be available.

    Questions? Please contact:
    Vicki Kellar

    Avro Arrow Museum Tour

    On Thursday May 12, 2022, we have arranged a tour of the Avro Arrow Museum, east of Stayner. As many of you will be aware, the Avro Arrow, was a supersonic interceptor aircraft designed and built in Canada in the mid to late 1950's. It put Canada in the forefront of the world’s aerospace industry, and its cancellation in 1959 by the government of the day had a very long lasting, and devastating effect on the aerospace industry here. Large numbers of highly skilled workers were let go, and many ended up leaving for other countries, much to Canada's loss.

    We hope you can join us for a one hour tour of the museum, which includes a scale model replica of the Arrow, as well as many other artifacts from this fascinating story of Canadian science, engineering and innovation. Please watch your email on April 8th, for further information and registration. Spaces are limited, so register early!

    Don Collins-Williams,
    Social Convenor

    COVID-19 Notice
    Members need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend any club events, meetings, and activities.

    All members are expected to use the Province’s self-assessment tool and only participate in activities or events if the outcome of that assessment shows no need for self-isolation.

    Face masks are to be worn indoors, except when eating or drinking.

    Members attending events at the Beaver Valley Community Centre are required to follow the municipality’s health restrictions.

    Activity Leaders no longer need to submit a plan on how they address these COVID restrictions. Activity Leaders may turn to Convenors for advice and assistance.

    Activity Group Update
    Colleen Wilson-Dick

    Spring is on its way—or maybe not… I know I am looking forward to getting out cycling and have already sent out my first letter to the Country Cruisers to get everyone motivated and ready for the season. My bike is tuned and ready to go. I am looking forward to a great, healthy and challenging season!

    It is not too late to sign up for Activity Groups! We have 27 different Activities and these smaller groups are a great way to really meet people! You must sign-up for each group you are interested in, in order to get on the email list to find out when and where the group will meet. Even for those registered to Activity Groups last year, you must sign-up again this year! Just click on the yellow Activities button below to get started!

    Computer Group
    Martin Buscher

    Our meeting this month will be in-person. Come with your laptop, tablet, or phone and let's see if, together, we can find solutions to whatever troubles your use of the device. Make sure to register for the Computer Activity Group to get the invitation email with details on when and where we meet.

    Cocktails and Nibblies
    Colleen Wilson-Dick / Eddy Gwozdz

    With COVID still on our minds, getting together outdoors for cocktails & nibblies seems like a great idea. This will allow us to spread out rather than sitting together at a dining room table. This is a casual get-together—be prepared to bring a lawn chair, along with your own drinks, and an appetizer to share. Each member/couple will have the opportunity to host once per season. The Host will decide how many guests their space (deck, garden or lawn) can accommodate. For more information check out the Cocktails and Nibblies Activity webpage. their space (deck, garden or lawn) can accommodate. For more information check out the Cocktails and Nibblies Activity webpage.

    Dining Around Town
    Hank Bouwman

    Our “Something new!” March luncheon at The Corner Café in Thornbury was so popular that we sold out very quickly so we have scheduled another luncheon for Wednesday, April 13 at Al Carbon in Collingwood (across the road, just past Loblaws).

    Save the dates:
    We have just booked the Georgian Bay Restaurant in Collingwood for Wednesday May 18 at 5 pm. We have also reserved the Banquet room at the Walter Falls Inn for Wednesday September 21 at 5 pm. You must be a member of the Dining Around Town Activity Group to receive the invitations and attend!

    Casual Dining
    Sallie Kedwell / Shellie Smith

    I am excited about a new season of Casual Dining and very pleased that Shellie Smith has agreed to co-convene with me. We are considering a few minor changes and will have further news to report by the time our first invitation is posted on our Casual Dining Activity web page. Our initial get together will be on Thursday, May 12. Please think ahead to that date with an eye to possibly hosting. Our dinners will continue on the 2nd Thursday of each month with quite likely picnics in July and August.

    Dining with Friends
    Debbie Catto, Marion Stewart, Shellie Smith, Eileen Scott, Sallie Kedwell 

    EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! The Dining with Flair group has just changed its name to Dining with Friends. We are thrilled to welcome the many new faces to our group who signed up at the Activities eFair. If you wish to join our group now, just go to the Dining with Friends Activity Group webpage.

    Our first get-together of this season starts April 28th (our usual 4th Thursday of the month). Once registered on the web site, you will receive your invitation to participate and perhaps host for the evening. After replies are received for that month, the Dining with Friends Committee sets up the groups. The hosts decide on the menu and then communicate with their guests regarding what they are to bring—an appetizer, a veg or a dessert. As host you may wish to choose a theme for the evening i.e. colour, upcoming holiday, season, perhaps a less formal cocktail party format or just a fun evening. This is a BYOB event. We have eliminated cost sharing as it all works out evenly for everyone over time. Please join us – we welcome new members! Feel free to contact any of the Dining with Friends Committee Members listed at the top of the section with any questions.

    Bill McMurray

    The R.O.M.E.O.s (Retired Old Men Eating Out) had their first lunch event of the year on March 15, at The Corner Café & Grill with 10 members in attendance. The next lunch will be Tuesday April 12 at the Sail Restaurant in Meaford.  It's not too late to register—please contact Bill directly before Friday, April 8 if you are interested. You can also take a look at the R.O.M.E.O. Activity Group webpage

    for general information.

    Cynthia Sampson / Ilene Rushefsky Charland

    It’s Spring….. Let There Be Hiking! We had a great hiking season last year, and after a loooonnnggg winter we’re all looking forward to getting back out on our area’s beautiful trails. Our goal is to have a hike scheduled every week throughout the season. The actual day and location varies each week as both are chosen by that week’s hike leader according to his or her own schedule and preference. Upcoming hikes will be posted on the Hiking Activity page. Hope to see you on the trails!

    Travel Group
    Gloria Thompson

    The oft postponed trip to the Islands and Highlands of Scotland has been deferred for another year to May 2023.  A survey of those committed to the trip showed that this is not the best year, with mandatory family visits, and company credits being used. So for those under deposit, count on it next year. For those interested in joining, watch for announcements in the fall. We do need about 25 people, so think of other PROBUS members, family and friends who might want to join the trip. 

    Nominating Committee Volunteer
    Caroline Bacher

    I am looking for a member from our Club to assist me with this year's Nominating Committee. To find out more about what this job entails please contact me. This is one way you could help our Club!

    Photo Corner
    Submitted by Robert Marshall

    Diane and I just returned from five weeks in Costa Rica, a country we are very familiar with. Our bird watching hobby was put on overdrive during our stay. We were very fortunate to see a small sample of Costa Rica’s over 788 species, many from our own condo. I have attached some photos of birds we saw. Merlin Bird ID is a great source for anyone interested in birds, in this app I listed over 50 birds we saw on our trip.

    Don't forget to take a look at our Spring Slideshow to see other photos shared by our members this month!

    The Master Gardener’s Corner

    Our Master Gardener's Corner by John Hethrington, Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario, has moved online. Look for the Gardening Tips on our web Homepage (scroll down on the right-hand side) or click here to see what you need to be doing in your garden in April.

    In Memoriam

    Douglas Woodrow Norman, who passed on February 16, 2022 was one of the founding members of our PROBUS Club. He served on the Management Committee and contributed significantly to the club along with his wife, Mary Ellen Norman. Our sincere condolences to the Norman Family and friends.

    The Last Word
    Sylvia Ridgley

    It’s no use carrying an umbrella if your shoes are leaking!
    Old Irish proverb

    Activity Groups:    Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

    Convenor: Colleen Wilson-Dick 

    Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley Probus Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.
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Beaver Valley PROBUS Club

Box 144, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0

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