President's Message
Brian Cromie
January is the month when we put the busy holiday season into perspective: the parties, get-togethers with family and friends, and the special events that mark the occasion. Now, we can turn to our regular activities, including all that your Beaver Valley Probus Club has to offer. For more active members, skiing and snow shoeing are available when there is snow, which has just returned to our area. However, for many, indoor activities appeal more when the weather is less inviting. Regular groups include various dining opportunities, book clubs, euchre, Mah jongg, Rummikub, Stitch-n-Bitch and others. There is much from which to choose. However, if an Activity is already fully subscribed, consider starting a new group. Or, if your favorite hobby is not represented, why not start a new Activity Group? PROBUS is about connecting with other like-minded individuals, and the best way to do that is to get personally involved. You’ll be very glad you did.
Management Committee—Volunteers Needed
Brian Cromie, President
Management Committee Openings:
Your Management Committee, which plans and directs Probus life at Beaver Valley, needs a few members to fill key roles for 2025. If you are interested in either of the roles below, please get in touch with me before the end of January!
Vice President: Specifically, we are looking for a Vice President to work with incoming President Kirby, and then to become President the following year. This arrangement is meant to give the incumbent a good introduction to how the Club operates so they are prepared for the following year. Personally, I can attest to how rewarding the work of the Management Committee is, what strong support members provide each other, and what a great way it is to make new and lasting friendships.
Treasurer: We are also looking for a new Treasurer, as Lynn steps aside to allow more time for involvement in the Activity groups, while George continues as Assistant Treasurer. The Treasurer should have some experience in finance, bookkeeping or other related business.
Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer
Annual Membership Renewal Summary (Dec 1 – 15):
We are pleased to report that our 2025 membership renewal drive, held from December 1 to 15, was a great success. This year, we experimented with a more compact renewal timeline, and we appreciate everyone who responded so quickly.
Key Results:
- 89% of members renewed before the deadline
- 2% of members notified us that they would not be renewing
- 9% of members failed to respond. This means their membership will be automatically terminated on January 31.
If you intended to renew but were not able to, please contact Pam Weaver ASAP at
Thank you again to all who renewed; we look forward to another great year ahead.
New Member Review for 2025: During the month of January, we will be reviewing applications from the nearly 100 individuals currently on the Wait List. As is our standard procedure, applications will be processed in the order in which they were received and Memberships offered based on available openings.
January Membership Meeting
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Doors open: 1:00 PM
Meeting begins: 1:30 PM
Speaker: Sandra Sullivan
Title: Hospice Georgian Triangle
Sandra Sullivan is the Executive Director of the Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation, an organization dedicated to supporting compassionate, end-of-life care for individuals and families in the towns of The Blue Mountains, Collingwood, Clearview, and Wasaga Beach. With a deep commitment to community service and a passion for making a meaningful impact, Sandra leads the Foundation’s efforts to raise funds, build awareness, and ensure the sustainability of hospice programs and services. Sandra brings extensive experience in nonprofit leadership, strategic fundraising, and community engagement. She has a proven track record of fostering partnerships and mobilizing resources to enhance the quality of care for those in need. Under her leadership, the Foundation continues to provide vital support to Hospice Georgian Triangle, ensuring access to palliative care, grief and bereavement support, and educational initiatives that benefit the entire community.
Prior to laying down roots in Collingwood, Sandra was the Director of Strategic Events for UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, and head of Community Engagement for North York General Hospital Foundation. She has worked as a reporter for Bloomberg news and started her career in finance in institutional fixed income for a leading Canadian investment dealer and bank. She has served on the North York General Hospital Foundation Board of Directors and the Board of Directors of the TFS Canada’s International School (Toronto French School).
Book Exchange:
The Book Exchange will be set up at the back of the room starting at 1 PM. Books should have a copyright date no older than 10 years. Bring a Book, Take a Book. We ask that you exchange no more than 3 books at a time. Please contact Nancy Hart with any questions!
Social Events
Don Collins-Williams
Your Social Committee has been hard at work planning events for 2025, with considerable input from the Social Events Survey that so many of you filled out. Thank you.
- January 12 - Board Games: We are starting the year off with an afternoon Board Games event. It is not too late to register--space is still available!
- February 19 - Sleigh Ride: Last year's Valley Ridge Family Farm sleigh ride was so much fun that we are doing it again! It will be on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 19. Watch your email later this month for the invitation.
Don't forget to take a look at the Holiday Luncheon photos!
Georgian PROBUS Travel Group
Gloria Thompson
We have 3 trips for 2025 posted on our website for your perusal. Remember all members, friends and family are welcome to join.
Please see the flyers for all the details!
The 20-24 minimum has almost been achieved for the Portugal / Madeira trip with direct nonstop flights. We just need a few more passengers so we can commit! Call Gloria at 705-429-9455 for info and booking.
We are also organizing an Agawa fall trip and plan on offering a small group trip in the spring 2026 to Morocco.
Activity Groups Update
Ilene Rushefsky Charland
Now that winter has arrived, those of us who like to play in the snow are getting excited to go skiing, and snowshoeing. Given the recent snowfall, it looks like these activities will start soon, if they haven't already. Activities such as games, book clubs and dining took a break during December, but are now ready to restart. Thanks to all of our volunteers for organizing and/or leading a group. This is what makes our club so successful. We are always looking for volunteers to assist with an established activity group, or start a new one. Contact Ilene if you wish to volunteer. Remember that your PROBUS club is much more fun if you participate!
There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!
If you need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team at our email address:

Casual Dining With Friends
Sallie Kedwell

Happy new year to all. Unfortunately our annual holiday cocktail get together planned for December 12 had to be cancelled due to a snowstorm that made travel impossible. However the good news is our first dinner is planned for January 23. With winter weather in mind we will plan simultaneous lunch or dinner choices for the same day and our group members can choose which they prefer to attend and or to host. Invitations will be out on January 6 and we look forward to a catch-up after our December disappointment.
Dining Around Town
Hank Bouwman
Invitations for our Wednesday, January 15 Luncheon at Georgian Bay Family Restaurant in Collingwood were sent out on January 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. It’s not too late to join us—just go to the Dining Around Town Activity Group webpage to sign up for the group and receive the invitations!
Future Dining Dates:
- Wednesday, January 15 @ 12 noon Luncheon – Georgian Bay Family Restaurant, Collingwood
- Wednesday, February 19 @ 11:30 am Luncheon – The Curly Willow Eatery, Collingwood
- Wednesday, March 19 @ 12 noon Luncheon – The Dam Pub, Meaford
- Wednesday, April 16 @ 5 pm Dinner - Copper Blues Bar & Grill, Blue Mountain Village
- Thursday, May 8 @ 5 pm Dinner – Walter Falls Inn
- Wednesday, June 18 @ 5 pm Dinner – Mylar & Loretta, Singhampton
Euchre 1 & Intermediate Euchre
Elaine & Hank Bouwman
The monthly tournaments are now playing on the 2nd Tuesday afternoon of the month in the downstairs great hall at St. George’s Anglican Church, 166 Russell St. E., Clarksburg. Ample parking, elevator available and spacious room. Invitations are sent out on the 1st of each month.
Upcoming Tournament: Tuesday, January 14 @ 1PM
High Scores: November 12 – David Z, December 5 - Sharon C., Sam F., Rod M.
Mah jongg
Judy Smith
Our members enjoyed a wonderful assortment of holiday treats for our last game day of 2024. Many thanks to Adele for arranging everything. Please note: For January and February, we will meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday (1:30 – 3:30 pm) at St George’s Anglican Church, Clarksburg. March – June locations TBD. Training sessions will resume on January 14, 2025. Location TBD. Join us to learn or improve your game. Click here to see the Mah jongg photo album.
Nancy Dixon
Looks like we may not have good enough weather for our Rambles until mid-January. Weather permitting, we will do a walk on Friday, January 17. As usual, it will be disclosed in our invite. Remember to wear your winter clothing and boots with good tread and/or ice cleats, as we do walk when it is snowing. Looking forward to a great New Year.
Mary Jansen, Pat Whittemore

We started this new activity group in mid-September and have had well-attended sessions, which I have enjoyed hosting at my home in Meaford. We started playing by the current rules and scoring, but we decided as a group not to score anymore and just have fun! We also started playing the game by not just laying our tiles down horizontally but vertically in connecting groups. This made the games go faster and more fun! As time goes on, and if there are enough members on the waiting list for a particular date, we have a plan in place where I will contact the members on the list and direct them to another unit in my building where Pat will host!
Ski Legends
Chris Mifflin
The ski season has begun! Have you been out yet?
Ski Days: We ski every Tuesday and Wednesday at Blue Mountain from January 7 to March 26.. Meet at 9:30 AM at the Silver Bullet. Stay for lunch on Tuesdays at one of the restaurants in the Village or at the Inn.
- Thursday, January 9, Alpine $78 plus Tax
- Thursday, January 16, Craigleith $95 including Tax
- Thursday, January 23, Osler $90 plus Tax
- Thursday, January 30, Georgian Peaks $80 including Tax
- Thursday, February 13, Devil's Glen $72 including Tax
- Thursday, February 27, Osler $90 plus Tax
Skiis and Biikes - 15% off regular prices on winter soft goods until March 31.
Toronto Ski Club - Discounted midweek membership (ski pass not included) Enjoy a private clubhouse experience while skiing or snowboarding midweek at Blue Mountain Resort for a discounted rate of only $299.00 (plus HST) seasonally. The TSC Midweek Membership is a great option for those who are 5x7 passholders at Blue Mountain Resort and want additional comfort and privacy away from the public.
All participants must be PROBUS members as well as members of PROBUS Ski Legends—Legends Membership cost is $50 per year.
Humour Corner
Shared by Nancy Dixon
What do you call a petite Mom? Minimum!
The Master Gardener’s Corner
John Hethrington, Master Gardener Emeritus
Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario
Click on the image to see what you need to be doing in your Garden in January. There is lots to do, even in winter!
Support Group
Lucie Desjardins, Mary Ann Collins-Williams
Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them.
In Memoriam
Ann Smith passed away on November 11, 2024. Our sincere sympathy goes out to her husband, Peter and family.
The Last Word
Shared by Nancy Dixon
If we were meant to talk more than listen, we would have two mouths and one ear. Mark Twain
Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!
Convenor: Ilene Rushefsky Charland
Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. |