President's Message
Ilene Rushefsky Charland
I hope that many of you were dazzled by the stunning underwater pictures shown by our February speaker, Randy Bird. His stories and photos were inspiring. For those who are not divers, and even some who are, we learned about another world beneath the sea. At that meeting, we also had a chance to welcome our new members and introduce them to our Probus club.
With winter drawing to a close, we are looking forward to spring and summer activities. Plans are underway for our Activity Fair to be held in-person, once again, at the Beaver Valley Community Centre. Please plan to attend on March 26 @ 1:30 PM and find out about new activity groups, and revisit existing groups.
Don’t forget that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held earlier on the same day at 11:00 AM via zoom. Voting information, management reports and the agenda can be found in this newsletter. Please read it carefully and participate in YOUR Probus Club.
I have enjoyed my year as president of our Probus Club and want to take this opportunity to thank the members for their confidence in me. I have met many members in a variety of venues; it has always been a very positive experience
Pam Weaver & Kathy Mercer
We have had well over a hundred new members join us over the past 8 months and with so many new faces, it helps if you wear your PROBUS badge at activities and events. Badges for new members are available for pick-up at the Membership table at the monthly meetings. Also, stop by if you need a badge replacement (for a fee) or a repair. We will also be at the Activity Fair! See you there! If you have any questions, please contact us at
Annual General Meeting - Tuesday, Mar 26 @ 11:00 AM
This year's AGM will be held on March 26, 2024 at 11 AM. It will be an online meeting, using Zoom. An invitation and a reminder will be emailed to our members ahead of time with instructions on how to join this online meeting.
We kindly ask that all members vote online to elect our officers, to accept the 2023 AGM Minutes, the 2023 Annual Financial Statements, and the proposed By-laws amendments. Check your email on March 19, 2024 for instructions on how to vote. Voting closes on March 25, 2024 the day before the AGM. To view the timeline for the AGM and current nomination for our offices, please go to our 2024 AGM webpage.
Please note that later on the same day, we will be holding our Annual Activity Fair in the Beaver Valley Community Centre between 1:30 and 3:30 PM.
Activity Fair — Tuesday, Mar 26 @ 1:30 - 3:30 PM
Ilene Rushefsky Charland - Activities Convenor
Walk around the Beaver Valley Community Centre and learn about the various Activity Groups that our club offers. Meet our activity leaders in person—ask questions and find out how to sign-up! Say hello to old friends and meet new ones, over a cup of coffee and snacks! The Activity Fair is in place of our March Membership Meeting.
**NOTE: you must sign-up again online for any activities this year—even if you were signed up last year, or this year before March 2, 2024.**

Check out all the activities on our Activities webpages and be ready with your questions before you attend! We have several new Activity Groups, and it is not too late to create more new groups—if you are willing to volunteer!
50-50 Draw
Elaine & Hank Bouwman
Brian C. and Todd K. shared in the $367.00 pot at our February 27 monthly speaker meeting. Our 50/50 tickets are on sale at the beginning of each regular monthly meeting and during the first break.
April Membership Meeting - National Canadian Film Day
Kirby Philp
Thank you to all who responded to our survey for the National Canadian Film Day. We had a great response—291 members responded. The results are in and the winner is...The Grand Seduction. The showing will be at our April Membership Meeting on April 23. See everyone there—it should be fun!

Social Events
Don Collins-Williams - Social Convenor
The Pilkington Glass Factory Tour was very interesting. We are hoping that they will allow us to schedule more tours, as we had 64 members on the waitlist, but we have not heard back from them yet.
We had 71 members register for the Any Dream Will Do concert on February 13. This is the fourth concert/theatre event that we have done in the past year and each of them was well subscribed. We are blessed with excellent theatre and music opportunities in our area, and our members are clearly interested in these outings, so I will continue to watch for further interesting shows in Collingwood, Thornbury, Meaford and Owen Sound—perhaps combined with an optional pre or post theatre meal. Stay tuned!!
We have arranged to return to the Blue Mountain Film Festival this year, on May 30, for two screenings. Watch for the email invitation coming out on March 7. Separately, the Festival is also offering our members a 10% discount on 4, 6 and 8 packs of tickets and on individual film passes. Use the promo code "FRIENDS10" when you call the festival. This offer expires on March 22.
Annual Golf Tournament - June 18, 2024
Golf Tournament Organizing Committee
Save the Date: The 2024 Beaver Valley PROBUS Club Annual Golf tournament will be held on Tuesday, June 18 at the Shelburne Golf and Country Club. Details and sign-up information to follow in April.
Georgian PROBUS Travel Group
Gloria Thompson
For PROBUS members, family and friends who would like to travel with local people and create new friendships—GPTG, your travel group—is proceeding with the following 2 trips:
Circumnavigation of Newfoundland: June 16 - 27, 2024. For those who love learning, small ship travel, and unique experiences. We still have space with no single supplement and a group discount. Please contact Brenda Chapman at Marlin Travel 705-444-1161 with any questions.
Norway Coastal Voyage: September 17 - 27, 2024. From Bergen to Trondheim. We also still have group pricing and space. Most of the members booked on this trip are travelling early, to experience the fabulous train program from Oslo to Bergen...then taking the train back from Trondheim to Oslo. For more information please contact Gloria at 705-429-9455.
Activity Groups Update
Sign-ups for Activity Groups are now paused to prepare for the new season and will re-open after the Activity Fair on Tuesday, March 26. Remember—you will need to sign-up on March 26 for your Activity Groups for the upcoming season, even if you signed up last year, or this year before March 2.
There is a step-by-step video on "how to sign-up" for Activity Groups. Click on the red arrow to view!
If need any help with passwords or sign-up, please contact our web team at our email address:

Brian Cromie / Lucie Desjardins
Even though our Birding Group has been inactive this winter, the birds are not. There are good viewing opportunities all around us, especially waterfowl in the Collingwood Harbour—and if the weather allows it—you can see and enjoy many of our winter visitors. Looking forward to our first Spring group outings! Please see the proposed schedule and sign-up on our Birding Activity Page after the Activity Fair if you wish to join us this year!
Challenging Canoeing & Kayaking
Karen Thompson / Liz Goodall
New in 2024: This is a new group for experienced Kayakers and Canoeists. We will tackle easy water with occasional swifts and paddle for 60 to 90 minutes, then take a rest. The entire paddle may last 3 or 4 hours. We will look for pleasant places to get out of the kayaks/canoes to eat our snack, swim if desired and relax before we continue to the end. This group will alternate weeks with the original Canoeing & Kayaking activity group, which will continue with their casual paddles! For more information please visit us at the Activity Fair or view the Challenging Canoeing & Kayaking Activity Page
Cycling: E-bikes+ & Explorators
Terry Kellar / Mikael Schaltz
This year the Explorators cycling group will combine with the E-Bikes + Others group and ride on Mondays! This activity group is open to all bike types.
Recreational Cycling
A new leader is needed this year for the Recreational Cycling group, which rides on Wednesdays. After many years of leading the group Caroline Bacher is ready to hand over to a new leader. If interested, please contact Caroline, who would be happy to share all her information, routes etc to whoever steps up!
Casual Dining with Friends
Sallie Kedwell
Our January/February mix of lunch or dinner—both held on the same date—was a success and will be considered again for next year. Although the driving conditions were a non-issue this year the luncheons were a pleasant change. Now that March is here we’ll go back to our regular schedule with dinners planned for various hosts' homes on Thursday, March 28. The invitation for this event will arrive in your inbox on March 6 for those who have signed up for the Casual Dining With Friends Activity Group.
Dining Around Town
Hank Bouwman
Invitations for our Wednesday, March 20 Luncheon at Sheardown’s Wine Bar in Meaford were sent out on March 1 to those members who have signed up for Dining Around Town. To sign up for the new season just go to the Dining Around Town activity page after the Activity Fair on March 26 and click on the Activity Group Sign-up button. Also, please see our photos of our lunch at Tesoro Restaurant last month.
Future Dining Dates:
- Monday, April 15, Luncheon – Mill Restaurant, Thornbury
- Wednesday, April 17, Luncheon – Mill Restaurant, Thornbury
- Wednesday, April 24, Luncheon – Mill Restaurant, Thornbury
- Wednesday, May 15, Dinner - Match Eatery (Playtime Casino), Wasaga Beach
- Monday, June 17, Family Style Dinner – Marilynne Restaurant, Markdale
- Friday, August 16, Annual Pizza Party – Justin’s Oven, Kimberley
- Wednesday, September 18, Buffet Dinner – The Falls Inn, Walters Falls
- Wednesday, October 16, Dinner –The Huron Club, Collingwood
Bill McMurray
Our next luncheon will be on Wednesday, March 13 at the Match Eatery (Playtime Casino) in Wasaga Beach. The invitation email with all the details will be sent out the week before, to those who were signed up for the
R.O.M.E.O Activity Group.
Euchre 1
Elaine & Hank Bouwman

Our next Euchre 1 tournament will be on Tuesday, March 12 from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm at The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury. Our February 13 tournament was enjoyed by 29 members (7 tables) with Ryburn G. taking home bragging rights with a score of 54 after 56 hands played.
Intermediate Euchre
Elaine & Hank Bouwman
We have reserved The Far Hills Clubhouse in Thornbury for the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 1 – 4 pm. Our next Intermediate Euchre tournament will be on Tuesday March 12. Elaine B. claimed the top spot for the afternoon on February 13 with a score of 34 after 32 hands played.
Euchre Lessons
Elaine & Hank Bouwman
Interested in learning how to play euchre or just need a refresher session? There will be a sign-up sheet at the upcoming March 26 Activity Fair for sessions starting in April.
Money Matters
Rod Innes
New in 2024: This is a brand new group forming this season. The aim of the group is to explore topics related to the management of savings and investments, TFSA's, RSP's, RRIF's, taxation, estate planning and anything else members are interested in. The group will be a forum within which to exchange information, ideas and experiences. We may also invite experts to inform members of issues of interest, but will not be a forum for soliciting new business. Everyone interested is invited to participate. Come and find out more at the Activity Fair or check out the Financial Insights Group activity page on the website.
Mah Jongg
Judy Smith
Members meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month to play the American version of this traditional Asian tile game. New members are always welcome and training sessions are provided as needed, on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Members will need the new 2024 game card—at the cost of $20.00 Canadian. For more information check out our display at the Activity Fair or see the Mah Jongg Activity Page.
Nancy Dixon
Even though the weather has thwarted our last few walks, on March 7, 2024 we will again attempt our walk starting at the Lora Bay Golf Club Parking lot to enjoy a walk on part of the golf course and the Georgian Trail. We welcome new members to sign up on the Activity page in order to receive my much adored if not revered emails. Our new season will include walks in the outlying communities and some unusual twists and turns as well as historical insights. Let's Ramble!!! Check out the Ramblers Activity Page to register for the Ramblers Activity Group after the Activity Fair in order to receive our invites for the walks.
Mary Jansen
New in 2024: Rummikub is a game that involves both luck and strategy. It is played with tiles, numbered 1 to 13 in 4 different colours, and is similar to RummyO. Your mind is constantly working to win the game by getting rid of the tiles on your rack. It is fun and easy to learn, yet can be challenging. We can have groups of two to four per table, with a maximum of 10 players per session. The group will meet on Mondays either bi-monthly or weekly. See what it's all about at the Activity Fair or take a look at the
Rummikub Activity Page.
All Clubs Bonspiel
Shared by Cheryl Ross
Four of our members are joining together to represent Beaver Valley PROBUS Club in the "All Clubs Bonspiel "at Meaford Curling Club. New member Lorne Wedge, along with Marge and David Allin and Cheryl Ross will pit their curling skills against other clubs from the area on Saturday, March 16. Wish us well!
Photo Corner - Winter Birds
Lucie Desjardins / Brian Cromie
Birding Activity Group Co-Leaders

Left: Bald Eagle, Top-Middle: Northern Pintail (Male), Top-Right: Northern Cardinal, Bottom-Middle: Mallard (Male), Bottom-Right: Cedar Waxwing
See the Winter Slideshow for even more wonderful photos! Also check out the New Members Meet & Greet slideshow and the February Monthly Meeting photos!
The Master Gardener’s Corner
John Hethrington, Master Gardener Emeritus
Past President, Master Gardeners of Ontario
Click on the photo to see what you need to be doing in your garden in March!
Support Group
Lucie Desjardins, Maureen Lalonde, Mary Ann Collins-Williams
Do you know of a BVPC member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them.
The Last Word
Shared by Nancy Dixon
Things turn out the best for people, who make the best of the way things turn out. John Wooden
Activity Groups: Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!
Convenor: Ilene Rushefsky Charland
Please be advised that all events and activities of the Beaver Valley PROBUS Club are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of its Members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. |